14. Countries We Want to Go to for Food and Culture
Unknown Speaker 0:00
The content of this episode contains language that may not be suitable for all listeners, mature audiences recommended. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 0:08
Welcome to the unqualified culinary critics, a podcast centered around food and cultural experiences. We want to not only share our own perspectives in life, but hope that these stories connect in some way to each one of you as well.
Unknown Speaker 0:19
This episode, we're going to be talking about what country we would like to visit for food purposes and for the culture. And we do have a special guest with us here, if you could introduce yourself.
Unknown Speaker 0:34
Well, hello, my name is Daniel, thank you for the invitation. But I'm ready. I'm ready to be talking about where I want to go.
Unknown Speaker 0:44
Yes, we are excited to have you on. All right. So let's get started. Who wants to go first?
Unknown Speaker 0:55
I mean, I'll let Daniel go first.
Unknown Speaker 0:58
Or go first. So I guess the question is, like, where do I want to go for food? Right, like, cuz? Well, I guess I want to go in general, is Italy, but it's mainly for the food for sure. I do like some good pasta. I do like some good lasagna lasagna. It's my favorite. And of course, it's the same thing. Like I'm Mexican. So it's the same thing as like tacos. You know, like that goes here. Good. Yes. But when you go back to like Mexico, and like where the real authentic Mexican food is at, like, that's when you know, like, Oh, this is heaven, you know? So for Italy, I'm like, Okay, if I really like pasta and pizza, like I had to go. And it's not just like the food is because there's drinks as well, like their wine. Like they're known for their wine. So it's going to be amazing wine. I think coffee. Like I love coffee. So I know they make the best coffee too. So it's like a, like a bundle of things that I really want to go to Italy to try everything they have.
Unknown Speaker 2:05
You know, which part of Italy Do you want to go to?
Unknown Speaker 2:08
No, I guess Rome will be part of it. Right? Because like, you'd have to go to Rome. But I can do any anywhere. But if I'm there already might as well go to Rome.
Unknown Speaker 2:20
Okay, good. Yeah. I also give Venice a try to I heard it sinking. I don't know if that's like fully confirmed or not really true. I'm not sure but give Venice a chance as well, because it's a nice area in the Venetian. Which is basically it's like, I don't know if I can say a mini version. No, I would probably say the theme at the Venetian is off of Venice. St. Mark. St. Mark's Square, I believe. Yeah. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 2:48
I would also suggest Naples too, because that's where like the pizza hotspot is.
Unknown Speaker 2:55
Naples. Okay. Yeah, put that in my list.
Unknown Speaker 2:59
I've never been but I want to, but I my grandparents used to go all the time. And I'd be so jealous. But they'd always go around like Naples. And then I know other cities, but I can't think of them right now. But I know Naples is like the place for pizza.
Unknown Speaker 3:19
Yeah, I love pizza.
Unknown Speaker 3:21
I feel like a lot of European countries are pretty good. Like, for me, I'd probably lean towards a lot more like Mediterranean kind of food. But also I feel like I'd be cool with trying just about like anything. Yeah, I'd Italy would probably be like, towards the top of my list as well along with Daniel.
Unknown Speaker 3:47
So good. I mean, it sounds good.
Unknown Speaker 3:51
I'm sure it's better than American kinda culture, you know? Yeah, but that can be said with anything. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 4:00
but what about you guys? Um, for me, I really want to go to Japan.
Unknown Speaker 4:06
Okay, same. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 4:09
Yeah, I like I studied Japanese in high school and stuff. And like we were taught we would have food days where we would make like a traditional Japanese dish. And like, it was always so good. You know, and I'm, I am a very big fan of like seafood. Like I really like seafood. And you know, they're an island, so a lot of their food is seafood.
Unknown Speaker 4:34
One don't they have better health over there as well because of their diet. Yeah, pretty sure I could be totally wrong. But I think that their seafood diet does help health wise. I feel like
Unknown Speaker 4:50
it would make sense if that is the case. Because I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure any country outside of the US has better food. But yeah, I just I really want to go there. Because I mean for the food alone because they just like, they have so many interesting dishes like besides like the basic ones that like we can get here like ramen and stuff. I really like noodles too. So they have like that good combination of seafood and noodles. And they have like stuff like Udaan and takoyaki. And yeah, and I feel like food always, like food tastes different in every country. And it always obviously tastes better from where it's from. Because like, you can eat a certain food here like even like, for example, even like beans, like they taste so different here than they do in Mexico. Like, beans in Mexico tastes way better. But yeah, I'm so like, I'm interested in just like having like trying food in another country and like comparing it to how it tastes here. Just because there's always that weird like, difference, even if it's like something as simple as like beans like, it's still so much it still tastes so much different than how it tastes here.
Unknown Speaker 6:16
Yeah, it well, and the fact that our FDA regulations, like our chocolate here is mainly made out of wax. And that's okay. And we eat it. Like, it's just things like the other countries can't do wear don't do like some of their stuff. It's actual real food. And we're just making whatever over here. That's like imitation. But yeah. What about you, Ashley?
Unknown Speaker 6:43
So like, Victoria, I want to go to Japan as well. I mean, I've been there, but in the airport for layover, okay, so I would like to see more of the country, it just looks so beautiful. And I just I mean, not just for the food, but also for the culture, because I really want to be there for Gee, I don't know how long I just want to immerse myself in their culture. I wouldn't mind trying to ramen, and Udaan and additional dishes there. But like, I wouldn't mind trying other stuff as well. But I'm a little bit of the opposite of Victoria. I'm not much of a seafood person, I'm actually a bit more picky when I eat stuff. So that's kind of not really a new thing. That's kind of a obvious gag that we've been that I put out in previous episodes. So but I'm still open to try new things. But I'm not completely as adventurous as everybody else is, I will say I do want to go to Singapore, that's been like a huge dream that I've been are a desire that I've been wanting to go to for over 10 years. Because that that came to me since I was in elementary school, I've heard that the place is clean. I just want to see more of the city. I wouldn't really I wouldn't mind trying their cuisine is there. I don't know much about it. Like maybe little to nothing. But I would definitely say that I got to I have to go to Singapore as just a huge must. And then I've been to France in the past, but like, I don't really remember exactly everything that I ate there. But I wouldn't mind going back there to eat more stuff. Like I've had crepes here. I've had quiche here. I've had French onion soup here, but I want to know a little bit more about what they serve. Because I mean, it's gourmet foods, so it can't really I don't want to pass up the opportunity. I wouldn't mind going back there again to give another chance. And then finally, I want to go to Spain because I know Victoria You said you've been to Spain earlier this year. And I've been watching videos about the culture and their food is coastal area because they're near there and they're on the ocean basically. So I want to try I could be wrong. I mean, it's part of Europe, of course, but like there's their seafood that you can just easily get because like I said it's off of the ocean or it's on the ocean, but I wouldn't mind trying to see food like fish and stuff because it just looks pretty cool. And then I wouldn't mind trying, you know, additional dishes that they have as well.
Unknown Speaker 9:05
Yeah, I mean, I went to Barcelona this year and like it's really interesting eating fish there because it's like compared to here because obviously here we're in a desert there's not a lot of like places for you to like go fishing and get fish and if there are places for fishing you probably should not be eating those fish. Lake Mead but yeah, and so like obviously here to eat fish like has to be transported and that takes a while and like it's interesting because over there you know like they have the ocean right there so they can just get it from there. So like the fish itself and like I noticed this in London too. Like it's um, it tastes fish here, but not in a bad way. Like it tastes fresh. It's weird. It tastes good though I liked it.
Unknown Speaker 9:52
I mean, the fresher the better. Because like, I was in Hawaii, sometimes my family we would order I I don't even remember what kind of fish that we ordered. But it would be the whole thing. It'd be fried and it would have some decorations on top that's edible, and we would eat it and it tastes pretty good. And then like when you're eating stuff that is from the island, like when you're in Hawaii, you can get the fish there and you can just eat it. So it's you have a better access. I mean, despite being it expensive, but it's fresher, hopefully healthier. But I mean, the taste is worth it. And I can say the same thing for when I was in the Philippines too.
Unknown Speaker 10:29
Yeah, it always tastes. It always tastes better. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 10:35
I don't want to go to Spain as well, because I recently tried to buy a Yeah. And I know like, it tastes so good. But like we said earlier, like, once you go back to like, where the food is from, or when you go and try it from the place and it's from like, it's a different story. And it tastes so much better. So yeah, definitely Spain. And the culture, I guess.
Unknown Speaker 10:57
Yeah. And I do want to add, I do want to go back to Italy. I want to go to Tuscany. I don't know much about the area, but I wouldn't mind just walking in basically their land and just kind of seeing the olives and the vines for wine and stuff. I don't know a lot about the area, but I believe I saw some pictures and it just looks pretty cool.
Unknown Speaker 11:21
Yeah, it'd be interesting to go over there. And try. I mean, I didn't get to go to Italy. Um, but I think it'd be pretty cool. Just to try the food there.
Unknown Speaker 11:32
Yeah, the wine. The food, the coffee. Yes. Just scared about the language. I don't think I don't know. I don't Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 11:43
Yeah, that's always the struggle with traveling is the language. Barriers even in Spain, like I speak Spanish. And I was still like, what are you people saying?
Unknown Speaker 11:55
Yeah, there's Spanish just not not been similar tours. Yeah, no.
Unknown Speaker 11:59
And then since I went to Barcelona, it was mixed with like, um, just mix with all sorts of things with all sorts of different languages, like got Babylon and stuff. That was a mess. Um, but yeah, I think another country that I'd wanted to visit for the food would be Korea to,
Unknown Speaker 12:22
like, have Korean food.
Unknown Speaker 12:25
Now, what are some of like, their common foods? If you know, they have
Unknown Speaker 12:28
you go, you go, Oh, no, no, you can go. I was just gonna say that they have like, a bulgogi, which is kind of like, this is my description. But this could be wrong. It's like a dumpling and I have a guess like ground beef. And then they put some additional spices and then some noodles in there as well. Other Korean barbecue. There's Kim. Bob, there's job che and I forgot what they are. My mom is into Korean food right now. So I got educated, basically. But yeah, I mean, it's, it's some of the Korean dishes that they usually have.
Unknown Speaker 13:07
I actually want to go for like, the street food there. Because I've seen like videos of people like going over there and just eating Street, the street food, just like those looks so good. Like they have. I mean, it's something basic that you can get anywhere. But like crepes the crepes that they have over there looks so much better. But yeah, like, I just, I want to try like, like, whenever I travel, I would like to try like the street foods that they have. Just because I feel like you get a better understanding of like the types of foods people from that specific area, like just from those.
Unknown Speaker 13:46
And then I just want to pick off from where our pickup excuse me pick it from where you're saying, Victoria, I think that the street food. I like that, you know, when I'm watching videos of travelers eating street food, I like that their prices are so cheap and reasonable compared to here, because it's like, you can order so I can't really give a good example of what you can order here that is so expensive. But yet when you get street food, there's like, sometimes it's not even $1 Or it's about $1 it's just as as cheap and as reasonable as it is and I bet the food is so I bet it's so good that you can't compare. They make it down and make it good there.
Unknown Speaker 14:26
I feel like what street food it's always like, like even if it's based off like a actual dish. It's always slightly different. Sometimes better, honestly. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 14:40
I was looking at places I was like, okay, countries with the best food kind of thing. And I saw a bunch of like different answers, but I saw a lot of the same ones on different lists. One I had on my list which was Greece, which is like the Mediterranean food like I'd mentioned, but a few other ones, which I'm seeing on like, every single list is India, Mexico and Thailand. And I don't know if you guys have had any of that kind of food, but apparently it's like, one of the best countries with the best food. Well, they
Unknown Speaker 15:19
are. Yeah. I believe that from Mexico.
Unknown Speaker 15:24
Yeah, same I think Mexico Oh, no, maybe because I don't
Unknown Speaker 15:32
know. Yeah, I'm like,
Unknown Speaker 15:32
it's some type of like, whatever. You guys have watched that Netflix series about, like, top foods to number three or number two, one of those is this place in Mexico. They make this specific, I don't even know the name of it, because they haven't had it. But like, is that even tacos? It's like this specific food from somewhere in the south. And I'm like, oh, that tastes so good. But in order for them to like be on top 10 on Netflix, I thought it was like very, very cool. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 16:03
Yeah, that's how you know it's legit. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 16:08
Um, I found another one that has Ukraine on it. But I really don't know any of their, like, traditional foods. Yeah. I've also seen like Pakistan, the Philippines. It's a mix of things as well. China's on here. But yeah, usually I'll see like India, Mexico, Thailand, and China is topping a few of the lists.
Unknown Speaker 16:36
I would believe I believe the list but I haven't been to all the countries but I would say no pins. I would say Philippines is is good there too. But at the same time, I haven't really been to their street foods, but I have seen people try their foods. And yeah, I mean, I think it's pretty cool. Like I said, I haven't tried their street foods, though. But I mean, I would probably give it a go.
Unknown Speaker 17:03
Yeah. Have you been to the Philippines? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 17:06
I'm Filipino, my mom's Filipino. So we would go once in a while when we have the chance. And we would just see our loved ones there. But we would get because I don't eat pork. They would have like when we're there and we have food who have fish, you would have butter chicken. And that stuff is fresh. Because like you can get fish from I don't know about the market. I don't even know where they really got the fish. But I know it's fresh. The chicken. I have family who owns chicken, who owns like a little farm and they have all these animals. Yeah, they have all kinds of stuff like this. The cool thing about being there is that they get to have their stuff is fresher, basically as well.
Unknown Speaker 17:47
Did they have a pork heavy diet? Or is it mainly like seafood and burn? Like other things?
Unknown Speaker 17:56
I can't confirm if they're on a pork based diet. Like I can't say for sure. It's really based on everybody's preference. I can't save it's based on the region myself. But I just know that it's based on one person's region or not region, excuse me, preference, because I know for a fact that my mom and I we don't eat pork. And that's our choice. Everybody else in our family. They can eat pork if they want to. That's basically your choice.
Unknown Speaker 18:19
Oh, got it. Okay. Yeah, um, things like India as well. I have never been, but I've had the food here in America. And I enjoy it. And I'm sure it's way better over there. But I also don't know too many of their traditional foods, but from what I've had, I enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
Indian foods good too. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 18:47
Let me see. I also saw Portugal on one but I really don't know any of their foods.
Unknown Speaker 18:52
Yeah, I'm like Portugal. I don't know anything. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 18:56
And I mean, like when I saw Ukraine, I was like, huh, because I don't know what their food is big for. For instance, also pretty popular. But like you said, Ashley, it's like a lot of gourmet food, which is hard to kind of pass up. But with my dietary restrictions, I probably wouldn't be able to eat a lot. Have any of you guys tried as cargo? No,
Unknown Speaker 19:21
I have no. Would you? I would not actually.
Unknown Speaker 19:27
I don't know. See? That's what was that?
Unknown Speaker 19:31
I was just asking if you know what it is? Oh, yeah, it's nails. Right? Yeah. Okay, I was just like asking because if anybody who doesn't know, I would have just told him to look it up because we don't want to like give the big giveaway or something. But yeah.
Unknown Speaker 19:49
Yeah, like, I don't. I don't want to say no, like, it sounds like something that would be unpleasant. But like, I'm not going to Like, like I've said many times, like, I'll try anything once. So I don't want to say no, but I would not like to be in the position where I have the opportunity to try. So,
Unknown Speaker 20:13
yeah, or it's like in Mexico there. The crickets are very famous, like bright crickets. Yeah. I don't know why people like those. I don't know. You tried those? I tried to Yes. And I mean, I guess because you know what it is? I don't know. But it's not something that I'm like, Oh, my God, they're so good. You know. So like, why would you keep up feeding them if they're not good?
Unknown Speaker 20:36
Yeah, yeah. I haven't tried that yet. But it is a popular snack, I guess. Oh, go ahead. Oh, no, you can go. Oh, I was
Unknown Speaker 20:49
just saying now I'm looking up, like different foods from around the world and each country. Yeah. And I'm finding a lot.
Unknown Speaker 20:59
Yeah. I feel like with certain things like that, it's like, you kind of have to try it. Because it's like, it's so weird. And it's like, the only time you'll be have the opportunity to try those would be in those countries. It's like, just out of curiosity, you kind of have to.
Unknown Speaker 21:20
Oh, no, but like, it's something as I don't know if it's true or not, but like, the whole thing, like, in China, the rats, I don't think I want to try a rat.
Unknown Speaker 21:29
I mean, I wouldn't want to try one either.
Unknown Speaker 21:34
But I might be down.
Unknown Speaker 21:38
No, I don't know. I don't think I even want to see a read on a plate or something. No, I think I'll be fine.
Unknown Speaker 21:44
Like, I wouldn't want to try, but I'm not going to judge other people.
Unknown Speaker 21:49
No, no, I mean, you know, but like, yeah, no,
Unknown Speaker 21:51
yeah, just like personal preference. But I mean, I understand because people could like, look at burgers in the US and be like, Oh my god, you guys are literally disgusting. You guys are Yeah, I was right now be like, Wow, it's good. Yeah. Like, it's, it's really like a To each their own kind of thing. And like what you were raised on, but it's it's very, like, it's crazy how we see, like, certain thing that other countries eat. And we're like, it's like, I would never do that. And then they do the same thing with us. But we're like, this is what we Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 22:31
Yeah, I feel like that's one of the reasons why I try. Like, why. I also am just like, I'll try it, I guess. Because you never actually know if it's good or no until you try it.
Unknown Speaker 22:46
Yeah, my problem, though, about trying things is because I'm just so stubborn. I look at something and I'm like, I'll try it or I just won't try it, period. That's just my stubbornness. But I have to really kind of ease that down. Because, you know, I'd be missing out. So
Unknown Speaker 23:03
yeah. And I feel like if you're traveling to go somewhere, it's like, you gotta go with an open mind. Of course.
Unknown Speaker 23:11
Yeah. Cuz like, don't be stuck in one place and be like, Oh, we're this we're dealt, like we're the best like, no, I'd say yeah, go with an open mind to and not only immerse yourself in the food, but also immerse yourself in the culture, you gotta look at what's around you, because it may be your only time or something like that, you know?
Unknown Speaker 23:34
Yeah. Well, are there any other countries? Or do you guys have like a specific dish from another country? You want to try?
Unknown Speaker 23:46
No, not really, I'd kind of be down to try, like, most of the food from the countries that I like, I've thought about
Unknown Speaker 23:54
same, but from there, like, I have to travel to the country. Oh, yeah. Like from here. If especially if it's something crazy, like I'll have to, like travel to there and be like, Okay, I'm gonna try. Because you guys know how to make for sure. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 24:10
I feel like there's also countries that I wouldn't go to necessarily for the food. Like, if I'm going like, if I'm taking a trip to the UK. I probably don't think that food would be on the top of my list. Yeah, no, especially just like thinking about like a traditional like English breakfast. I'm like, that looks so unappealing to me. But that's just me. Not trying to be rude, but I me being a picky eater, and there's a lot of stuff on there that I just can't really eat anyway, so I'm like, okay, but I mean, it's a traditional thing over there. It's common, so who knows? Maybe it is good.
Unknown Speaker 24:55
Yeah, it was. Well, when I went to London, it was funny because As my friend had been there before, and like all the food she was suggesting was all like Jamaican food, Indian food. Like it wasn't any actual British
Unknown Speaker 25:11
food. I don't even know what kind of food is like specific to them.
Unknown Speaker 25:17
I don't know either fish and chips. All right, but I'm like, that's all of them. Do they could make that here? Yeah, yeah, I feel they have fingers and mash? Uh, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 25:28
there you go. I also feel like certain countries, you can kind of luck out because like you said, with your friend, like, you can go get Jamaican food, like you can go get Mexican food, like, it can be really anything. But a lot of countries don't have that. So it's like, when you say that you have to be open minded. Like sometimes you really do need to be fully prepared that when you go into those countries, like, your food choices aren't going to be like, well, if I don't want that, I can just drive right down the street to McDonald's and get whatever I want, like, but I think that's also the cool part. Because then you get to try so many different things. You just have to be prepared for it.
Unknown Speaker 26:07
Yeah, that's true. Especially if you're not used to eating like one certain thing. When you're trying it for the first time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was interesting, though, because like I had, I had Mexican food in London. And like, it was, it was good, but it obviously did not taste like actual Mexican food. Like, you know, they did they did the best they could with the ingredients that they can get over there.
Unknown Speaker 26:37
What did you get? If you don't mind me asking like what kind of food?
Unknown Speaker 26:41
I just got some tacos. Okay, and then they had like this dessert with like, Come Mica. Um, I don't remember what it was. But I did not like it. That's how I remember. Because I don't like how Mike got anyway, but I was like, I'm so homesick. I want something you know, that will remind me. And so, um, I got that because I was like, oh, yeah, but I didn't like it. But I don't like that to begin with. So um, but like the the tacos, they were like chicken tacos. And they have like, the only I'm pretty sure the only ingredients that I had that were similar was the fact that it was like tortilla, chicken and avocado. But like all the other stuff on it was like, tasted very different than, like the sauce and everything. I'm just like, it doesn't taste bad. But this is Mexican. Yeah. And like, that's another thing like that. Like, another reason why I want to travel is because like, you kind of get to, like, see the dysphoria and like taste like the different ways that like your food can be made, I guess. I don't know. I don't know if that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker 27:57
Because I feel like in another country, their cows is not going to taste the same as our cow. Or like, probably even the milk is not going to taste the same as our milk. You know? No, it does it. Because I know Mexico does not taste the same. Like chooses not to taste the same meal does not taste the same avocado definitely don't use the same. Like you said earlier like the beans. They don't.
Unknown Speaker 28:22
Yeah. taste better in Mexico?
Unknown Speaker 28:25
I think so. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:29
I think everything tastes better in Mexico. I was gonna
Unknown Speaker 28:32
say I feel like you can pretty much say Anything would taste better there
Unknown Speaker 28:37
are like outside of the states, right? Because here they concentrate everything too much. Or like they put too many nickels in things. That is just like, like, we don't know, like, we do. I guess we do. But like we we put a blind eye to it. And she was like, okay, that's what we have whatever, you know, but when you go to another country like chugwater states, it's just like, oh shit, like this?
Unknown Speaker 29:01
Yeah. I like seeing too when people try like normal gas station snacks. But like, since we're talking about Mexico, like the Mexican version of like, I don't know. Lay's like something like that. They're like, Oh my God, these tastes of different.
Unknown Speaker 29:16
Yeah, there's something about it. Like I think it's less chemicals or less concentrations
Unknown Speaker 29:20
probably because I'm sure we have a lot of like, manufactured like flavors and a bunch of preservatives in this crap and all
Unknown Speaker 29:28
that stuff. And I met someone that worked for Coca Cola, and they said that Mexico is the only country that does a coke different because they have like so many other regulations. So that's why like the Mexican coke tastes different than any other countries. And I'm like, okay, it makes sense because I was trying to think like, Why does coke tastes different? You know, like when you go to like the Mexican bottle coat, the glass bottles are like so good. I guess it's because Have their regulations. It's like different so their recipe is a little different.
Unknown Speaker 30:04
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 30:08
What is it in the Mexican coke that makes it taste so different? Because I thought it was like real sugar. But I couldn't be
Unknown Speaker 30:15
linked to it. Yeah, I really don't know what it is. But I because I don't think because I was like, I did ask. I was like, so what is it? And he's like, we're not allowed to discuss it. But I can just tell you that Mexico does it different. And I'm like, okay, but there has to be something. There has to be like, maybe the shirt. I don't know. Or more gas. Maybe. I don't know. I'm getting hungry. I don't like
Unknown Speaker 30:38
I know talking about.
Unknown Speaker 30:42
It's too early for Coke.
Unknown Speaker 30:43
Can you even get Mexican coke here in the States?
Unknown Speaker 30:48
I've seen it like, but I don't know if it's really like the Mexican one. Or they just sell it here. Yeah. Like at the Mexican supermarkets. I don't know if it's legit or
Unknown Speaker 30:58
not. Yeah, I feel like that's the thing.
Unknown Speaker 31:01
The tour is the one that you went to the UK Right? Was that what you said? Yeah, I went to London. Was it that tasted like do you have like, like you said earlier? Like, the, like the gas station snacks that you had. You were like,
Unknown Speaker 31:16
different. I got their version of Lay's over there. Oh, and then in Canada, because I had a layover in Canada. So I got the what are they called all dress lace, something like that. And they like have them. They don't have them here. Or at least I've never seen them here in Vegas. And they're seasoning like it's a different type of seasoning. They were okay. It was interesting. No, but like that's, that's one of the reasons why I think like traveling to other countries is so cool is because they have their own flavors of like things that we have, like Lay's just because we're already talking about it. Like I said, in Canada, they have that like all dress dressing or whatever it's called. And then Mexico there's the the laser though Viva is that idea. I know those are so good. I crave those constantly. But yeah, that's all I have to say.
Unknown Speaker 32:18
As well, but not that I can think of Daniel. No. So that about does it for this episode. And my question to all of you who are listening is where would you want to go? Like what country do you want to go to for the food and a culture. And you can let us know on our Instagram or on our Twitter. Do follow us if you have not already on our Instagram and our Twitter. And please do tell your loved ones about us. And pretty much that's all I have to say. But to those who are looking to travel just for the food and culture. What we're all seeing right now is do go with an open mind and immerse yourself in what the country has to offer. I do want to take this time and thank Daniel for coming in and sharing his food and culture experiences. And you're welcome to come back again if you would like but thank you so much for your time. Thank
Unknown Speaker 33:13
you. Thank you for the invitation. And yeah, so I can come back anytime. Thank you ready.
Unknown Speaker 33:18
Thank you. And yes, it is time to eat. All righty. So thank you very much for listening and we will see you or hear us in the next episode of the unqualified culinary critics. Thank you and take care
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