23. Guilty Pleasures II: Sweets
Hello, and welcome to the Unqualified Culinary Critics. We are a Vegas-based podcast that celebrates food and culture. Join us as we talk about our food and cultural experiences, and we do hope that these stories connect in some way to each one of you as well.
Thank you guys so much for joining us again. We have Super Jesus Jackson with us once again.
If you wouldn't mind introducing yourself real quick, just for those who didn't listen to the last episode
Hello. Hello. Thank you for having me Victoria and Ashley as well Yeah, super Jesus Jackson. I'm a musician. I'm a youtuber Podcaster as well. Just try I try to be that personality on the internet I try to be that guy but yeah, I love music. I love art I love film being creative is who I am and that's why I'm here on a food podcast.
Yeah, and thank you so much for joining us. So our last episode we did Guilty Pleasures Savory Edition. This time we're doing Guilty Pleasures Sweets Edition. So with that, let's get the conversation started. Anybody want to start?
If if that's cool with you, but I'm going to go last again Okay, well
Yeah, I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling yes, um so on this podcast
I think I've talked about this many times because you know I just cannot get enough of chocolate chip cookies but they are I've talked about them on our comfort food and then I'm going to talk about them again because even though they are my comfort food I do feel guilty eating them because you know they're not healthy it's a lot of sugar chocolate all of that but I just I can't get enough of chocolate chip cookies is good with me I don't care if it's like soft one of the harder ones whatever like
fresh out the oven chips ahoy I'm as long as it's dough with chocolate chips
I'm like I'm in yeah that's a that's you know I I have to have at least some form of sweet or cookie, you know, like in my house, like at all times. Chips Ahoy are definitely my go-to, but I feel like anyone that is a sweets expert, sweets kind of store, would listen to me saying Chips Ahoy and they would roll their eyes or something and they'd be like, well, you haven't tried this one from France, you know, like this chocolate chip cookie. It's like, whatever, dude. Like, give me my Chips Ahoy. I'm good with that. You know what I mean? Like, we don't got to get fancy with it. But that's interesting that you say that. I, you know, Subway, again, plugging in the fast food places, Subway has some guilty pleasure cookies in there. They're like I said, I'm pretty sure they're expired. I'm pretty sure the dough is like just a different entity. I'm not sure. But the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies from Subway, I could down like three or four of them. And I, yeah, I do feel guilty physically and mentally after that.
No, those are really good too. I like those as well. And then don't they have a raspberry and white chocolate chip? Oh yes, they do. Yeah, those ones are so good as well. Like, man, I don't care what anybody says, like those cookies from Subway, they know what they're doing. Yeah.
I, it's, it's, I, yeah, I don't it's it's it's so interesting because the quality of their food is about the same as the quality of those those cookies but I'd much rather go with the cookie than the food so it's interesting and this whole guilty pleasure thing is is even more interesting because usually you know we talk about guilty pleasures are like, I don't know, I think everyone would like them, really. You know what I mean? It's just a matter, the guilt part is the health part of it, most of the time, you know, and like the quality of it.
Yeah, that's true.
But I would say my pick, my definite pick, are the powdered sugar cookies that are fairly cheap, although inflation has skyrocketed everything, but they're like four bucks, something like that, you can find them in any grocery store. I think they're the, those are the cookies that people bring, you know, to parties and stuff, and you could tell they didn't really try. They just like went to like the, like the dessert area, just got those powdered sugary cookies, but they're, I think, do you both know what I'm talking about sort of kind of admittedly I think I have an idea but
like are they a certain brand or are they in the bakery of the grocery stores
so there I think they're there in the bakery area and they're soft and they're like yeah they're soft and they have frosting there we go like frosting on top of it and usually they're really smart like they'll you know if it's Halloween they'll make like like orange versions of them, and then St. Patrick's Day, you'll get green versions. Those are the ones that I'm talking about, and oh my God, I can only eat two of those. After that, I'm like, this is a bad choice. I just started getting the, I don't know, it reminds me of Dare, just say no, just stop. Avoid, refuse, all of that. I just, that triggers in my head, and they're also just really bad for you Mm-hmm God those cookies. They're they've just created a Schism in the world, but I don't know I think they're cheap. You know they're literally like I don't know where they're made like I have no idea I would not be surprised if they're made like in like some garage Like in this like it like and they just like or maybe I clearly they have a lot of money, clearly. So maybe they have a giant factory of these cookies, but I'd like to meet the makers of that cookie. Like, just be like, do you have any idea, the damage and the controversy that you've released upon the world? You know, like, and they're probably just in a helicopter like laughing their butts off, you know, and they're doing fine, but I'd love to talk to them. Talk about the recipe as well. Like, I have no idea, what is it, it's pure like, fakeness, that cookie, you know, like it's just the, I hate to get political, but it's probably like the epitome of like, American nonsense, that is what that cookie is, and I enjoy it, I enjoy it, but you know, it has its limits.
No, yeah, I mean, I enjoy it too, so I'm not judging you.
Ashley, how do you feel about our choices and what's your guilty pleasure?
Well, I used to eat cookies growing up. I used to, believe it or not, I was like a freak of sweets as a kid, but that kind of came with some cost for me health-wise, so I ended up taking a step back from that as well. I don't have any preferences as to it anymore, but I don't, like, I'm not gonna judge any of you in regards to your preferences and cookies but I'm kind of with Victoria on the chocolate chip cookies when I was younger I used to like it but I also like got into other kinds of cookies too like I remember I had a great aunt and she would make like really good pastries and there were these cookies and I cannot even I don't know the name but I can describe it to you. It's kind of like a swirl. In a sense, or like there's some, I guess, chocolatey, uh... It's not really a curly Q or something, but... It's- there's like, light and then dark, and then it's separated by the dark part. The swirl or something. But that was like one of my favorite cookies as a kid, and then...
I feel like I'm talking about chips, but I'm not. I liked to eat candy growing up, but because of the health thing on my side I'm not going to really get into it that much but you know I I like to eat a lot of chocolate bars or like crunch bars to be exact on this or I guess accurate because I'm not like saying how many crunch bars I would eat or this and that but yeah I I like to eat the milk chocolate chocolate bar especially crunch because I have milk chocolate again this episode is not sponsored by anybody. Um, the candy part, I don't know. That one was interesting. I like Lifesavers as a kid as well. But like, all of these things, like, all the sweets, all the stuff, even ice cream, I like Klondike. I love those ice cream sandwiches, even the drumsticks. Those were my favorites. I used to drink soda. I don't anymore. All these things, it's like, this is a guilty pleasure to me. And I don't eat that stuff anymore, actually.
Not as a result of saying, oh, this is a guilty pleasure. No, no, it's not the case. I would say that. It's like my throat and my health, it's like, okay, you gotta pick. It's like, yeah, I mean, I could still maybe try to eat those stuff again, but at moderation. But me, I just don't do it anymore. You know, I feel like I'm going off a tangent here but all of these are my guilty pleasures as a kid but I don't it's probably more of a former thing to me now as it has been in the past you know I didn't mention this in the previous episode I don't think but I'm more on the savory side which is not really balanced but get this I still eat my sweets but I eat fruit I mean I drink juice but you know there's sugar and that stuff that not always healthy not always the best But I gotta get some sweets in too, you know cuz I gotta balance it out I can't always fix eating the the salty stuff all the time like even I'm admitting guilt to this right now I will say it tops. It's true. But yeah, that's just me
That's interesting
You are very disciplined and have a lot of willpower cuz I don't think I could give up some of these things, some of these foods.
You know, I can't really say I'm very, I can't say I'm disciplined, I will admit that. Because I know, I mean, in previous episodes, especially when we had a guest over, I mentioned in the past that I kind of practice a little bit more of a somewhat kosher diet and our guest mentioned like that's a good kind of mindset because you have the ability to say no to what it is that you don't want and you can say yes to what it is that you do want. You have more confidence as a result of that kind of thing. I'm just paraphrasing what he said in the past. So I just think that with my guilty pleasures, I mean, I can't always say no. That's just me. I can't always say no, especially with the chips same thing, but with the sweets I think I can still say no, but sometimes when you when I consume sweets, it's like oh this is kind of good It feels like I'm about to go on my I might get addicted to eating chips mode with instead of chips It's something else but no, I just don't really eat sweets that much anymore because of that I just my health like I said, but it's just, yeah, all because of my, well not all, but because of my health part of it, and just like my preferences, you know, but like I said, I don't, I don't really care as to like what other people prefer. Like I'm not gonna take a side about like the sugar cookie-ish drama-ish kind of thing. Like, somebody would say, like, I like pineapple on pizza, and then another person would go, you're the worst, I don't know why you're on this planet. And then there's other people that would be like, I don't care, you like pineapple on pizza, I don't mind. And then there's other people that would go, you know, I'm on the same boat as you, because I like pineapple on pizza, maybe a little bit more than you, but that kind of thing. So like, that's kind of stuff, just always, to me, I think there is some sort of controversy in that kind of sense if we're talking about like what I like or what I don't like that kind of thing. Just besides the sugar cookie-esque drama-esque thing. But yeah, that's just my- I don't know if it's a rant, but I am speaking a lot, so anybody wanna-
Go off, Ashley!
No, that's a good point.
Oh, Victoria, I'm sorry, did you wanna- Oh no, you can go. No, that's that's a great point. The tribalism of guilty pleasures and food and even an I would say everything is quite common, especially that pineapple on pizza thing. And technically pineapple on pizza would be the middle ground between these two episodes. Right. Because it's I you know, it's a little bit more sweet and it's savory. And speaking of that, I guess there are other things, you know, like, have you guys ever tried fries, you know, like on a shake? Like you ever dipped your fry, like, in a shake? Like that's a thing, you know? I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that it's good, but I'm not gonna tell you that it's bad. Like, it's an experience worth having.
Yes, I completely agree with you. It's more of, yeah, I guess I can add to it, it's, I'm not gonna tell you what to think, I'm not gonna tell you what to feel. It's you figure it out, and if you want to tell me how you feel about it, then it's okay, too. But don't lecture me as to what it should be like. That's not how it should be in this world, if you ask me, especially with food.
Right. Yeah, that's true. A lot of things you just have to try on your own. And like it's interesting because like I feel like that ties into like having guilty pleasures and stuff because obviously the foods we're talking about, it's like, you know, unhealthy and like, the reason why they're guilty pleasures is because they're unhealthy. Um, but like, some people might have like another reason for why they would like consider a food a guilty pleasure. Like, you know, maybe it was something they weren't allowed to eat when they were older, younger, or something like that, you know.
And it's like, that's like the experience of these foods. Like, we all have different connections to them. And I feel like I kind of want to add, I don't say that guilty pleasures in general, whether it's sweet or savory to be a bad thing. I think it's more of an in-between. But it really depends on how the person thinks and how they feel about guilty pleasures in general. Because like me, I feel like with the sweet sting, I'm not trying to condemn myself in regards to, oh yeah, I ate this stuff in the past and I don't eat it anymore. No, that's not kind of how I feel about that. It's more of like, that was just a past thing as to what I ate, what I preferred, and now I'm like, yeah, I just don't do that anymore. But with the savory stuff, it's more of like, oh yeah, I'm just so guilty of eating this stuff. But I think in the end, whatever makes a person happy is what's more important. But at the same time, they gotta take care of their health, they got to take care of themselves. That's the kind of thing that is, I think that's, those are like really important stuff. It's your happiness and your health, but sometimes you have to
pick one or the other, but that is up to the person completely in the end. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, to kind of piggyback off of one of the foods you mentioned, crunch bars. They, I got to be honest with you, I don't know how they're still around. I feel like I would see a bunch of commercials when I was a kid of the Crunch Bars, and then I grew up and I just, they kind of disappeared, like from the cultural, like, you know, angle. And when I go to the store, of course, I see them, but like, they still have the same logo, like, like, pretty much, like, it's pretty, maybe that's commendable, you know, how long they've been able to be consistent with their merchandise and or the logo and their appeal, because clearly they're selling that's why they're still on the shelves. But it's also Nestle and they're a huge company so they could just literally have like anything like and it would survive. Yeah. But they, I don't know, maybe this is a good thing or a bad thing, but when I do have them and I taste them, I would, I'm like, I would rather eat something else right now, like Sweet Wise. They just don't hit as much as they used to when I was a kid. I don't know what it is, and I like crunchiness in my chocolate. I love Hershey's milk chocolate almond. Just my absolute favorite. But maybe the quality of the chocolate is better with Hershey's, I'm not sure. But crunch bars definitely disappoint me. They always make me feel like I should have more. It's quite the opposite in a way like where it's like I feel guilty that I'm eating this like in a sense of like why am I putting my body through this right now? Like it's interesting but I don't know maybe when I was a kid they were very enjoyable I wonder why that is. Well our taste buds change so. Yeah exactly. That's probably why. I suppose I mean when I was a kid, you know, I would like the Mexican candy. Oh god, I think you would know Victoria Mexican candy is like bad. I mean like it is it's bad, but it's it's really good But you know you eat too much of it You're definitely gonna get sick and some of it even had lead which I think they've taken out at this point but when you're a kid, you could just kind of eat anything obviously have more tolerance and Especially on the sweet side. And my girlfriend, she will literally get frosting, like the things that, like the, that thing, and she will just put that in her mouth and just take giant amounts of frosting in her mouth. Oh no. Like, you know, she will just, or like whipped cream, I guess, that's what I'm trying to say, whipped cream. I can't do that, I can't do that, I would just vomit immediately. I'm not a huge fan of frosting or whipped cream in general, but she could totally do that. She'll eat cookie dough when it's being made. Like, she would just eat that, you know? And it's like, that is a whole other level. I'm with Ashley where I'm a little bit more on the savory side. I'm not very good at segues, but I guess another guilty sweet pleasure for me would definitely be the caramel popcorn. Like, it's nice and crunchy, but definitely I feel like my teeth are hating me when I'm eating that because I'm getting like 10 cavities immediately when I'm eating that caramel popcorn but it's like it's nice and crunchy it's very sweet and it's very addicting and I'm pretty sure there's some sort of brain chemistry going on you know that works like my brain is telling me keep eating this you know but then my body is the one that stops me. Well with those do you like a specific brand
or would you just eat any caramel popcorn?
At this point, I have no idea because whenever I do end up eating them, it's at some sort of, like at work or something, they'll have them at the break room. They'll have this giant tub of different popcorn. They'll have the normal ones, they'll have a little bit of sweeter ones, and then they'll have that golden caramel popcorn, like that crunchy one. And that's the one that I enjoy the most. But the middle ground is, of course, the normal kernel popcorn that's a little bit more sweet. But that golden one is, I don't know what the brand is. I remember when I was a kid, it was in a red bag, sort of, and it had this picture of this kid. I don't know, it was some drawing of this kid on the bag. I think that was the brand that I would eat but like other than that when I've now that I'm an adult like you know I think people go to like Trader Joe's or something and get like, you know Just giant tubs of popcorn with different flavors and that's what they do
See, it's because you said that and that like unlocked a memory It just reminds me like it reminded me of like Those like giant tubs of popcorn that they sell during Christmas that have like the regular popcorn, cheese, caramel. I would, yeah, I love popcorn and like I would always eat the caramel ones first. I remember that.
It's such comfort food. Yeah. It definitely is. It's very nostalgic, but it, you know, once you grow up, you know, again, you know, that logical, you know, part of your brain, you know, just kind of activates and you have more control.
Yeah, that's true. The one that's like, do better, have to fight it.
That's right.
Yeah. Yeah, agreed. Yeah, did you ever have those like large tubs of popcorn, Ashley, that have like during Christmas time, they start selling them and they have like a little Santa or a snowman painted on the side?
So not to sound off as a Grinch, but I actually don't like caramel in general. I tried it in the past. I tried it in the past and that's like I've tried it with some chips and it's like I I'm just not into it. I just admittedly I find it too sweet for me and I mean I don't even remember the last time I ate caramel stuff in general but it just wasn't for me overall but I'll be quick with that. And I have a question. Okay, what about if it's in chocolate? Would you eat it? No, no. Okay, that was my question. I mean, I don't get me wrong. I am not gonna say this is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I'll still drink like hot chocolate once in a while. Yeah, but I just won't eat the pastries or I won't eat the candies and all that kind of stuff, you know, I that's just me But like going back to the crunch bar thing Like I feel like we may be like on different paths when I say this super but like I don't mind like I think that crunch Was just my favorite bar growing up as a kid, but I just don't really care for it anymore Okay, you know, okay, and I would agree, you know, it's like I am kind of surprised that they're still there But I think they'll always be there until Nestle decides to shut its doors Yeah, I think the reason that it's still there even though not many people buy it not that I know of is Because they're kind of unique in a sense because they put like rice in it rice You know the little things that we the little yeah, so that's what so that's the thing But yeah heading back to the caramel thing. I just I'm not even gonna bother
I tried it in the past and I just don't like it yeah that's interesting but I'm totally there I'm totally there with you uh easy like caramel caramel another point of contention uh amongst people but within the chocolate is awful for me I hate it I I have it or like oh my god this is the biggest oh I was gonna say a term that that probably might have been too dirty But I'm not going to say it. But it is so disappointing when you get a donut and you bite into it and there's like like glue or goo like inside it. Like it is the worst. I hate it. Yeah. Like the fillings. It is so it's it's it's it's dehumanizing. I have no idea. I have no idea how to call it. And sometimes it's like that white cream filling. Sometimes it's like a like a grape sort of, you know, like fruit filling. That is awful. Like, it is terrible. And it's the same way I feel when I get like a Hershey's candy and I bite into it and that caramel is like a... Caramel is like the cheese pull of like sweets, you know, because you do it and it like clings and it's like, it's just like, oh God, it's awful. But I get it. I get the appeal, but just give me my milk chocolate and give me my crunch and my almonds and I'm good. I don't need gooeyness in my desserts.
Yeah, that's a good point. I mean, I'm not going to hate anyone for eating caramel. I won't. I'm not going to envy anyone either, but you know, that's just how it feels. Because when people hear that I don't really eat desserts, it's like, oh, you... I don't want to say, it's like, oh, you have self-control. Like, no, that's not the case. It's more of, oh, okay, you don't need sweets. That's good. That's good. You have that kind of tolerance to not eat that kind of stuff, you know. But that's just kind of what I have to say about that. But yeah, I'm not going to hate on anyone for like eating caramel or other sweet stuff. And I won't invade them either. Because it's like, you do your thing, I'll do my thing. Then that's basically it. Like, I know it sounds kind of like, I feel like I might have just came from the uncanny valley when I revealed I don't really eat sweets, but that's just the way I am. I don't want to say a normal human being growing up, but I would say that I was definitely my own person growing up into now, that kind of thing.
Sure. I think, you know, I'm very much a person where I respect other people's opinions and their desires and what they like, what they don't like. I very much respect it but I do believe in the sarcasm of life in that conversation where you could have that comfort with someone where if they're around you and they're doing something that you don't like or they're eating something you're like you kind of throw some dirt around there you know like but like do it in a fun way and at the end of the day what am I gonna do you know what I mean like if you like something that I don't like or that I it's like what am I gonna I can't do anything like I what am I gonna sit here and throw you to jail because you don't like what I like or because you like what you like? You know, it's just like, it's a completely futile endeavor to get so mad or so butthurt about what people like and what they don't. And so I believe in this beautiful, peaceful, like, you know, way of going about life, or, you know, it's tolerance you know like tolerance and and and sometimes it's fun to like you know someone likes caramel or whatever you know well then you get them caramel occasionally you know you buy them some caramel you know and they enjoy it and you know happiness is always is infectious and it makes you feel good and I will say you said Ashley that you don't necessarily envy oh I envy because I would love to like things that I don't like are you kidding me cuz then I could like eat like everything and I wouldn't have to like be you know like so picky or I wouldn't have to like I would love to like love mushrooms for example I know we're talking about sweets and stuff like that but I I kind of hate mushrooms except on like pizza but like people who eat mushrooms like by themselves like to put them on their salads or like sandwiches and burgers I'm like I wish I could do that and I know they're healthy too so like part of me is like I wish I could tolerate them like I really do but I can't. And so that's like maybe a good envy, you know? I don't know.
I was just gonna flex that I love mushrooms, so.
There we go.
Me too, actually.
Yeah, one of my favorite vegetables, fruit. They're not fruit, I don't know what they are, but.
Vegetable, they're vegetables.
I believe they're fungus or fungi. Oh, that's right.
Yeah, I'm like, I know they're not vegetables or fruit, they're a whole other thing. They're drugs. They're drugs. Yeah. But yeah I get that but bringing it back to the food you don't like. I do have a question for you Super.
So like I know you say that you like don't like caramel but like what about Cajeta? Oh my god yeah I I'm not a huge fan of Cajeta. I do remember the lollipops, the Cajeta. And for, I'm not sure if you're familiar, Ashley, with Cajeta, but it's sort of a Mexican, like, I don't know, what would you, it's like the Mexican Nutella, but it's not as good, in my opinion. It's like a Mexican caramel, honestly. Like, that's the best way I can describe it. Oh yeah, Mexican caramel, there it is, yeah. I'm not a huge fan of it. I don't know. I think it's, you know, I'm not a huge fan of caramel. So like, I think it makes sense why I'm not a huge fan of Cajeta. But you know, oh my God, like sometimes like my family would put them on like their bread and like their bolillos or like their pancakes or something like that. And I would just, I would kind of gag. Like, I think it's completely unnecessary, but I would put the Nestle condensed milk, like on my, on my pan. I do that all the time. That's the best. Beet syrup every day. But cajeta, no, I can't really go down with that. I think it is a complete taste thing for me.
Yeah, see, because I like I think like caramels, like whatever, like I'm I'm not going to eat it. Like, I'm not going to go like saw after it. But if it's in something, I'll eat it. And I'm not going to like like I don't mind it. But like, I like that. I like a lot.
Interesting. Yeah, that's, my family doesn't really buy that anymore. I mean, it's partly because I think my mom is trying to be more health-focused now. So we still have our lechera, which is the condensed milk that I was speaking. We still have that going on. But speaking of things that are guilty pleasure sweets, Twinkies, man. Freaking Twinkies, like, I, they're so bad for you. Everyone knows this. And it got to the point where, who's Hostess, right? I think that's the brand. They went away and then they came back. That's how bad we wanted these things. And oh my God, they're so fluffy. And you know, contradiction, there's contradiction in everything. I'm not a huge fan of that cream filling or whatever, but I will eat a Twinkie. It is great. It's got that cream, that white cream filling in it, but the fluffiness, it's so spongy and it's just good. It is, I'm pretty sure it's chemically made for it to be good. That's why I can eat it. But you don't want to eat too many.
Yeah, no, I feel like a lot of those companies, like the Hostess, Little Debbie, like they make the perfect guilty pleasure. Like they always have like the best, the best ones that make you feel the worst. Yeah, I mean that's all I have to say I don't know if you guys have anything else to add to this conversation before I don't think so. I think that'd be it unless Ashley loves Twinkies, but I don't think so.
Yeah You're right on that. I actually Good for you. Good for you, Ashley. Yeah
Really? I got it. I really gotta eat more fruit Yeah, drink more that sweet. Yes and stuff. Yeah, you like nature's candy fruit Yeah, I don't think I have any final thoughts other than thank you super for coming on to part two of this episode Do you want to come back on to another episode or two? Of course, yeah I had a lot of fun. Cool, we'll let you know. Definitely, please. And I'll give it to Victoria now. Yeah, thank you to everyone for listening and
thank you again to Super for joining us today. Would you like to let everybody
know where they can find you on social media? Sure, yeah, SuperJesusJackson, YouTube.com. You can find me with that handle on Instagram, TikTok, and on Facebook, SuperJesusJackson. And my podcast as well, Chips and Talk, you can find me there on Spotify or Apple Music. Chips, normally it's spelled, and then N, it's got a little, what is it? Is it an apostrophe? That's what it is, right? God, I went to school and I don't know what it's called. But it's not and, A-N-D, it's just the N thing, so chips and talk, and yeah, Spotify or Apple Music, not Google, because, does anyone use Google Podcasts? I mean, I'm sorry, I don't want to shame anyone, but I'm pretty sure it's either Spotify or Apple Music, but I should be on Google, but I'm not yet.
All right, well, you guys know where to hit him up, and as for us, you can always follow us on Instagram at Unqualified Culinary Critics and then Twitter at unqculcrit. So make sure you follow us on there so you can tell us all about your guilty pleasures sweets edition. And if you'd like to tell us about your guilty pleasures savory edition, you know, also follow us on there and listen to that episode as well. And thank you guys again so much for listening and tuning in every week. Have a wonderful day. Have a wonderful day.
much for listening and tuning in every week. Have a wonderful day.
Transcribed with Cockatoo