27. Beloved Restaurants In Our Area #1
Hello and welcome to the Unqualified Culinary Critics. We are a Vegas-based podcast that celebrates food and culture. Join us as we talk about our food and cultural experiences and we do hope that these stories connect in some way to
each one of you as well. For this episode, you know, we wanted to do something a little bit more local, a little bit more like, you know just We're gonna be talking about the restaurants We like might have grown up going to or restaurants that we frequent a lot here And I know you're probably thinking don't you already do that in most of the episodes? Yes, but this is different because These are like the restaurants in our areas, you know Like whether we live there or we spend a lot of time there and that's why it's extra special.
All right.
So yeah, let's get this started. So I don't know if you want to go first, Ashley, or should I start? I'll let you start since you opened the episode.
All right. Such so kind. All right.
So, I mean, I'm just going to say I'm from the East side. I've said it a bunch of times throughout the podcast you know it's something that I I love living over here and you know to be fair the Eastside is a little bit of a food desert like you know there's a lot of places you know where you can't really get groceries or even like the restaurants are kind of like not too near each other um but yeah but there are a few here that I really really do love um like there's this cafe well it's not a cafe. It's an actual restaurant Near my house and it's called Santa Ana cafe But they like have Mexican and Salvadoran food. So it's really really good um You know if you like pupusas if you like Mexican food or if you like like even like, you know Salvadoran snacks like yuca Not like snacks, you know, but yeah, like yucca, fried plantain, like they have all the good stuff there. Question actually, have you ever had Salvadoran food? I don't think I did, but I am so open to trying that. Well, what about like with Mexican food? Have you ever had like a gordita? See, I got. Yeah. No, no, no. You're all good. Yeah. So like whenever I go to that to that restaurant, I always get pupusas. So pupusas are like the best way I can compare them or explain them to other people who know, you know, who know Mexican food. They're like gorditas, but better, in my opinion. And I'm pretty sure I've said that on this podcast before because, you know, but yeah, so they're like, it's like this dough it's similar to the dough that you used to make tortillas and you kind of like you know you make it into like a round obviously a round circle and then like you slice it open and you put in like meats or cheese or just about anything like the place that I go to the Santa Ana cafe they like every time I go I always get the chicken one and then I get the um what's called chicken and then they have they even have like a spinach one that's pretty good like if you're vegan or vegetarian and they there's all sorts of different things there's chorizo one there's the ones that I usually get are the chicken and the revolto. So it has like beans cheese Meat it has everything in there It's really really good and like the way that they do it is like they fry like, you know They cook it. I think they like fried in like butter a little And I think with like gorditas we do oil Instead of butter so like that's why I like the taste is just is different and it's really good and like they have a lot of other cool options there at that place like they have like seafood there as well and I love seafood so um I like going there for that too um yeah that's just one of my favorite restaurants but that's like the one my go-to like whenever somebody's like oh um let's just get something around your house or whatever I'm like that's where we're going we're getting pupusas, we're getting caldo de siete mares, we're getting the yuca, everything. And if you don't mind me asking like where is it located? Like you can just give the major intersections? Yeah so it's Nellis and Bonanza. Oh okay. Yeah so east side east side. Yeah yeah um yeah so that's one of my my favorite places to go here like like I said it's my go-to especially if you want something like delicious and quick and like you know if you're looking for something to kind of explore different types of foods because I think they have a really good wide variety of not just you know Mexican food the Salvadoran food too it's a good way to expose yourself to new cultures yeah what about you what's what's your not necessarily your number one but the first one you want to talk about?
So I've mentioned this in previous recordings. Well, for starters, I'm not going to reveal exactly like what part of Vegas I'm based at entirely, but I would just say that I usually like to hang out in the more like South Valley-ish area because I'm more familiar with that area. So like one place that I can tell you that I I don't know if I want to say like my go-to and all that but it's more of like I just want to go there if I feel like it or if I'm craving it. One of them is Le Paris Breast Café and like I said I'm sorry I can't pronounce it very properly in French but I've mentioned this in the past that you know with our foodie tours Le Paris Breast Café was where we met. So it's Tahitian and French cuisine. They specialize in like making crepes or French pastries like apple tart or um I can't think of other um desserts on top of my head but they usually have croissants or all that kind of good stuff like the croque monsieur which is like a ham sandwich and fried. Croque madame is the fried no they're both ham and cheese sandwiches or something like that. I know that croque madame is with the egg. So they have those kinds of pastries and dishes too. But the crepes there, it's like one of my favorites because I've been to other places in the valley that make crepes, but their kind of crepes here, Paris Brest particularly, it has a, it's not buckwheat, let's just say, because I heard from one of the employees that they used to do buckwheat crepes but people didn't like that so they just like switched it to a more like traditional crepe batter thing. So, that's like a big favorite of mine. I like to get the La Classique or the La Complette. I believe if I'm going to do this, like look this up as I speak, but I know that one of them, it's like this you can pick a you can do turkey or ham and then you can have like Swiss and then they have like other spices in there as well but if I were to go into the menu right now so that I don't get this wrong so I'm gonna be fact-checking myself as I speak I will say that I know that I usually would pick one of them but I know that one of the crepes there's an egg on top that you can put inside so it's kind of like it's very different from a croque madame or a croque monsieur. Let me see here.
Yeah, that sounds really good. It sounds like they have a lot of really good like savory treats.
Oh, they do and even the crepes they have sweet stuff too. So it's like I haven't tried the sweet stuff yet, but I can tell you for a fact that the savories are like a big recommendation and they need a lot of the recognition because this is a local restaurant that's been here since like 2019. So they're not like corporate or anything and I'm just really, I know that they're on their own and they're doing a lot. They're really, they're surviving well. So La Classique is just as simple, you can do ham or turkey breast and then Swiss cheese. The La Complette is with the egg, so you can do ham or turkey and then we can have the sunny side egg inside the crepe and let's not forget the cheese as well So I usually get the classic and I totally recommend that if you're vegetarian and are vegan. They also have a Pesto goat cheese pesto you can have like goat cheese and pesto and tomato in there. That's also pretty good as well Yeah, their stuff is so good. I remember even they have a sandwich that's called like the la perisian That sandwich is probably one of the best that I've had in my life.
So it's like, yeah, it's interesting I say that, but it's true. Because like, it's just a simple baguette that they make. And then there's like, you can do ham or turkey breast and there's a hard boiled egg, you get spring mix. It's really good. They have like mayonnaise to have like all these good spices. It's like, it's so good. I would get that either to go or I would eat there. So I shout out to La Pera's Breast Cafe. They are just, the establishment is really nice. When you're in there, you can just hear a lot of jazz or sometimes they will alternate and stuff, but like just the environment, the area, good study area. Well, it's small, but it's a good place to study. It's just a good place to, you know, I don't want to like entirely say get comfortable because I mean, it's a small place and people would like to dine in and we can't like hold up the tables and stuff but yeah it's just a it's a wonderful place to be at and I totally give a recommendation
yeah and I mean and I mean you've taken us before so like you know we know it's good so yeah it's it's a verified recommendation yeah yeah but that's so funny that like for our first ones we both chose like you know a place with the name cafe in it oh that's coincidental yeah um no but yeah and it's it's interesting that you bring up um crepes too because i was gonna bring up crepe station because that's like you know that's in the area where i live in on what is it the big streets like you said nellis and bonanza for the Santa Ana? Yeah, so this one... So this one is Nellis and Stuart.
Yeah, so you know, basically the same area. But yeah.
Okay, cool. Cool, nice.
I like going there every once in a while whenever I'm craving something sweet because their crepes are pretty sweet, I'm not gonna lie to you. And like, you know, they're pretty okay they're like basic crepes like you know like they got the fruit fillings and like you know Nutella if you want that I usually don't get Nutella though but yeah um okay yeah you know like they're like the the like when I really want to like when I'm when I have like a hankering for them you know cuz I love crepes they're you know one of my favorite like I don't want to say snack or anything like that but yeah I love favorite dessert yeah and I usually get sweet crepes so like to me when you you know when you're talking about like the savory ones I'm like that sounds so interesting because like I've never had a savory crepe before because I always just get you know like fruits and you know sweet like the condensed milk ones the ones I have like that um I don't know what the name of it is in English but like in Spanish it's like the requezon and you just put like like whenever me and my mom make some like we put requezon in like honey and like you know it's like a sweet like it makes like the cheese itself doesn't taste like much but then with the honey like it gets really sweet and it tastes really good but yeah so like I like going there whenever I am craving a crepe and don't want to make one because making them is very laborious and we all
know I don't like to cook. No I don't blame you. See like the menu here, they do have some Nutella but you can probably ask them to just not put Nutella since you're not into it that much and it's okay. There's like a fruity Oh yeah, I don't want to spoil it for you but I'll send you that menu again. Yeah, but that's good you know we have crepes as like one of our top foods.
Oh yeah, yeah and yeah I really do like that place Crepe Station. station. They have more than just crepes, they have paninis too and soups. And they have these Italian sodas that I really like. I don't drink regular soda, but I'll drink those Italian ones. Those are really good. You can pick and choose what you want in it. I feel like it's kind of like Subway, but for crepes. You know how people will complain and they're like, oh, I don't like Subway. And I'm like, what do you mean? You made that sandwich. But yeah, that's like kind of off topic. But you're good. You're good. I mean, we're talking crepes. So you're kind of in the topic. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, so like it's kind of like that or like, like, you know, they have some that, you know, you can choose from or whatever. But like if you want to make your own as well, you can just do that, which is what I like too, because sometimes, you know, I don't want what's being offered. I want to be able to have my own choice. Yeah, yeah, I totally agree.
I mean, since we're on the topic of crepes still, there is another place called Le Café du Vegas, and they have three locations. So the first one is Du Sud, and that's in the south part. So it's actually in Southern Highlands area and I've been there and then there's another one called Duval which is Valley and that's off of Valley Verde and Paseo Verde. There's one there too and then Duloc is basically in the lake. So Lake Las Vegas but I know that they are relocating somewhere but I don't know where exactly. Hopefully still at Lake Las Vegas but I don't I don't know. But But they have crepes too and they also have quiches and the crepes at do Vegas I will admit I'm not into the buckwheat batter, but I wouldn't entirely Say no to those crepes. No, they also got the sweet stuff as well but I don't know if I cut you off when I was um when you're talking about the Yeah, you're all good. We want to be sure. I'm trying to be courteous right now. But yeah, New Vegas is a neighborhood French cafe. I do recommend trying to play. So maybe you might like Buckbeak Battered Crepes, but I don't. Like give it a try. Be open-minded and just see what it's like. So I will say that their hours did change, which is usually on the weekdays at 7am to 7pm, but on the weekends at 7am to 3pm. But I'm not going to, um, I don't know exactly where Duloc is going to be relocated. But I will tell you that their menu has a big variety of stuff. Like you can get a breakfast, you can get a lot of house specials, you can even get a lot of sandwiches and paninis of your choice. And I think they have more selections with their crepes. So like if you want to get a very sugary crepe like a sucre, it's basically sugar and European butter. Like they have that or you can have it with caramel or caramel however it's pronounced. There's Snickers, there's fruit, there's la poire, which is there's pear or chocolate ganache. Like yeah, I mean try that place too if you if you want. Like the crepes, the galette, the galette is the, this is savory ones. So like the, for example, for a galette, when I was there at either Doucette or Duval, which one I, I don't remember which one that I've had, I think I've had their La Mushroom, which I know Paris Brest doesn't have. It's not too bad, like I said, there is the Bucky Crepe, but there's a bigger selection. So if you're not into mushrooms, you're not into cheese, or, I think a lot of us are into cheese, but if you're not into mushrooms though and you like spinach, I think I had the La Florentina as well, but they have like a lot of choices there as well. And I mean I also like had both of their lattes and I think those lattes are pretty good. I can't say which is better than the other because a latte is a latte, but however it depends on which restaurant you go to, which cafe, because they might want to add a little bit of their take, their perspective into it as you before you drink it and stuff. But yeah, I mean, try Le Cafe du Vegas. Like I said, there's three locations. I know that one is temporarily closed right now, but try either the Duval location, which is like I said, off of Valley Verde and Paseo Verde and in the Southern Highlands one, which is Dusud off of Southern Highlands Parkway and Valley View. So that's cool though. Yeah so it sounds like it's very very
diverse and it also sounds like you you really like French cuisine as well. I do
it's one of my favorites that not just my favorite it's it's one of my
favorites for sure. Yeah so I'm gonna steer the conversation away from French cuisine right now sorry. No no you're good you're good that's yeah and I'm gonna sear it into Japanese cuisine because there's this restaurant again it's literally in the same area like I said Eastside man so in it's on sewer and Nellis again it's called Oh curry and It's not like, you know super diverse. It's obviously in the name curry. That's what you're gonna expect That's what they have and it's Japanese curry and like I love that place so much It's like it's small but it's really nice and like I think it's really like they cater a lot Like they cater really well to the population here cuz on the east side, you know It's mostly like it's a lot of Hispanics over here and I think it's so cute because they'll have like they have like this wall that explains in English um what curry is and then right underneath it it's in Spanish and it explains what curry is as well um and I think like that's a really nice touch that they have um especially because like I said the demographic over here is a lot more like Hispanic a lot of Spanish-speaking people live over here and you know there's even people like they're probably not exposed to that sort of food so they have no idea what to expect you know when they go in and now like you know they're like they'll have a little bit of an idea like at least they'll know like the ingredients in it and um I really like that place like like I said it's just Japanese curry they have um but they do serve it in different types of ways like they obviously do the basic like you know curry with the kumtazu and the rice there and then they'll have like because I don't eat pork so they'll have like they have a chicken option which I really really appreciate because like um you know I don't eat pork and I feel like a lot of places I go to where it's like ramen or something like that like a lot of them don't have that option of chicken you know they'll it's only pork. So I really do appreciate that and then they have, and like it's really good, like that place, like it's just Japanese curry but it's really good. I don't think they need to serve anything else, like they've perfected it. But yeah, and so like I've been going there for years now, like basically since it opened. Like I said, their menu is pretty small, just so you get an example of what's on there. I'm just gonna read you some of the options that they have, which is just curry. But yeah, they'll serve it in different ways. They have, like I said, the obvious curry, and then they'll have tofu. They'll have it with tofu. That's the other thing that they have a lot of really cool that they have like other things like they'll have chicken not just like the regular like kind of kuntatsu type of chicken but like they'll have grilled chicken they have vegetable curry so you know for vegans and they have curry udon which I haven't tried yet but like you know that's that's something that I always want to try and like I've said this before I'm the type of person where like I want to go out and try new things and when I even at like my regular spots that I go to I'm just like Oh, I'm gonna go I'm gonna try something new. It's gonna be great And then I get up to order and i'm just like, you know, what? Let me just get what I always get I've managed I always somehow managed to you know, like kind of chicken out at the last second. But yeah, um, So yeah, they have the curry udon and then they have gyoza as well um Like yeah, they they have it all. Tofu, they have fried shrimp too with the curry. And yeah, and like I remember when we were like, you know, on lockdown, luckily they were open and they were like one of the places that I would order from at least like twice a week. Yeah, from like Grubhub and like all that.
That's good, I mean I'm pretty sure that they really appreciate your support for the restaurants that you're going to and ordering from them.
Yeah, and you know, these are like small businesses, you know? They're not like some franchise or anything like that place is pretty small. Like I said, Oak Hurry is really small too. Like it's a tiny little place, but it's cute and it's nice and... Yeah, like that's the- that's what I think is so important about doing this specific episode, is you know, highlighting like actual local places.
Yeah, yeah, I completely agree with you. I think I know for a fact and I kind of sense this will happen, but I think that we're going to be doing more of these local restaurant shout outs because I think that just doing one episode of these is not enough when there are just so many restaurants here in the Valley that need and would like to be recognized at the same time.
Yeah, no, and I agree. And I mean, like I said, like I don't really, you know, like I try to try new places, but I feel like once I finally do try new places, like, you know, I'm gonna wanna talk about them. So yeah, definitely. We're definitely gonna be doing more episodes like this for sure. And I think it'd be pretty, like, it's exciting, you know, like we should, like this is why I think it's so important because this is a good way to support our community as well. And like, you know, listeners, this is a good way to like get not just involved, but like, you know, like interact because we would love to hear your recommendations as well. For like local places, especially like family owned, we're trying, you know, trying to help them out.
Yeah, I completely agree with you on that. Because I know for a fact that we're going to have some guests on and we would like for them to just give shout outs of their local restaurants that they've been to too so that we can also know and everybody else can also know just so that we can all like help each other out you know.
And I think it's also a good way because like whenever there's people who come from like my friends that come from like out of state and they're just they'll ask me hey um what place do you recommend for me to go? And I'm always like, well, I just go to like the same places and I feel bad because I'm like I wish I could recommend more things for them to try out. So yeah, this is a good way, you know to get Recommendations not just from us but also, you know from anyone who comments as well and it's a good way, you know to keep this going
Yeah, absolutely. And you know, I do have a list of all these places that I like I wrote a list before we recorded I know that I'm not going to be able to bring all of them up But I do plan to like put that in the socials so that y'all can see Additional shoutouts from me or from you as well. So yeah Yeah, I agree. It's a good way to
It's a good way to get everybody, you know, connected. So yeah, so that's why it's so important, you know, to interact with us and tell us about your recommendations, help support one another, and also to continue that support, we're going to keep going with our shoutouts. All right, Ashley, who is your next shoutout?
So this is a breakfast place that I've been to a couple of times when I'm in the area. It's called Rise and Shine. There's two locations. There's one in Flamingo and then there's one in Southern Highlands and Somerset area. So they are open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. pretty much seven days a week and they serve like a lot of cool dishes too. Like I remember when I was there I would get like a three cheese omelet but there's like so much more you can get. So for instance, omelettes you can have a build it your own way, a just cheese, you can do like a lox and cream or a fancy steakhouse and then if you want just all egg whites then you can do that as well. They have like, it's all just like straight up breakfast and lunch and they even have like steak burgers. You can even order like Mexican cuisine there too. Like, um, you might want to help me out with the pronunciations Victoria to have like a grilled carne asada steak burrito or a Grilled chicken and chorizo burrito. Yeah, please correct me with the pronunciations Those were great pronunciations you pronounce them, okay. All right. Thank you and They do have freshly squeezed juice so you can get like orange or watermelon and strawberry It's it's just a great place. I recommend it. I have not been there in over a year, but I know that the environment is friendly, it's open, it's just a place that I totally recommend as well. So it's a good, I don't know if it's a mom and pop store or a place, but I can tell you for a fact that it is indeed a local restaurant,
but two locations, but yeah. Yeah, I mean it sounds like they have a very, very diverse menu as well. They do, yeah. Yeah, no but that's good you know you have all sorts of different ranges and stuff. Mm-hmm. Because sometimes you don't really know what you're gonna order until you get there, you know? Oh yeah, yeah. It's good having those choices. But yeah, and I mean since you brought up Mexican food, one of the places that I like going to is Mariscos La Isla de Mexcatitan. That word I've always like had issues pronouncing so it's not just you who can't pronounce things in Spanish. But yeah and like that place you know it has Mexican food it's like a Mexican seafood place. It's really really good and you know it's close like I remember going there a lot it's close to where my family is like in that area not to like dox myself on accident but yeah and you know they have a lot of different things like the cargo de siete mares like honestly that's one of my favorite favorite like Mexican seafood things. It's like this stew that has like, it's called the seven, the seven seas stew and it just has like a lot of um, it has like, like I can't eat the shrimp anymore because I'm allergic, but it has like you know, uh shrimp, all sorts of fish, it has octopus, squid, it has like those little scallops, just has everything in it from like all the seas all the oceans nice nice yeah and they like do these big platters with like ceviche like different types of ceviche and oysters and stuff too so it's pretty good and like the portions are nice and big too so like the price is worth it it's not expensive to begin with but just so you know it's worth the price okay yeah yeah that sounds good. Yeah, I really like that place. You know, Mexican food, that's home for me.
That's good, that's really good. I will, like, get a little bit more into the Mexican cuisine. I do have another shoutout, and I believe I, uh, talked about this in a previous episode, but I'm gonna give them another shoutout. It's called Mi Casa Grill Cantina, and it's inside the Silverton Casino off of, like, Blue Diamond and Dean Martin, near the 15. Now I don't know a whole much about like Mexican cuisine so I can tell you I'll tell you what what I usually order off of their menu but I will say that their stuff is really good as well so I would maybe we should like meet there and then also try well you'll try but I I've had it before their stuff but I know that they have like fajitas and it does come out on like I don't want to say a pan but something very fancy where it's like cooking in the process or it's done cooking and then you can just like get your tortilla and stuff and then they have a taco salad, they have burritos, all those good things. I remember I know that I had fajitas before and those are good. I know that I had the taco salad there before so that's pretty good as well. And they have like quesadillas, yeah just just all kinds of good stuff and I give a shout out the staff they're really nice and it's just like the scenery it's really beautiful it's kind of helps you forget that you're inside a casino but then again if you're smelling the smoke and you're hearing the slot machines and yeah people getting excited that they won like I don't know $2,000 from a raw flush or something or straight flush
then I mean can't really forget that but the area the Mikasa is good. You can't ever really escape the casinos, not here.
Not in Vegas.
Oh no, that sounds like, I don't know,
it's just, I don't know, I don't even wanna go in there, but yeah, you got a point.
Yeah, yeah, no, but I feel like that's very appropriate, you know, especially for here in Vegas. But yeah, I feel like I have, like, those are my top choices from like places You know that I've been to a lot in the area that I'm from And I mean there are like like, you know food trucks and stuff that people like there are food trucks and stuff All over the east side as well that are pretty good Oh, yeah, but like I don't know how to recommend those because I'm always just like oh It's this like this is the color of the food truck, but it moves around. I can never be like, oh yeah, this is the name, this is where they are. No, they move around every once in a while, so not as reliable. But those are good too, they're worth checking out as well, if you ever see them. If you can ever catch them. I've talked a lot about the places that I frequent and that I like a lot here in my, you know, my little cozy corner of Las Vegas. Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, that's totally fine. Yeah, yeah. I don't know about you. I mean, do you have any other shoutouts you want to give out? See, it's that list. It's like I wrote so much. Like, I wrote over ten things, but I'm not going to go and, like, say it here just because of the sake of time. So like I said, I'll put that on our socials as well. But I do want to give like one more shout out to this place called Rachel's Kitchen. And from my understanding so far, it's a local restaurant, but there are different locations in here. So the one that I go to usually is in Town Square. But the reason that I'm giving them a shout out is because I see that on their website I've done some research and I've noticed that they've done some like really charitable acts which I thought was pretty cool and I know for a fact that when I was with a club when I was at UNLV we teamed up with this club or this organization called Friends for Life and we just raised money for that organization so that they can like have money for beds or toys or blankets for dogs. It's a no-kill animal shelter and Rachel's Kitchen happened to support Friends for Life as well. So not just Friends for Life but there's like other organizations here that I can't think of at the top of my head but I just want to give them a shout out because it's just like really really nice that they're helping the community too. And I know that they're the restaurants that I gave shout outs to or and or or in my list. They've probably done some charitable acts too and I just can't find it on their social medias or on their website, but I know for a fact that I can put it this way. The restaurants are already doing their community acts. They're feeding people, they're helping people out. Their establishment is a setting for them to, you know, sit in, escape from whatever problems that these customers have, and then just eat, you know. So they're already doing their acts of community service just by helping people get their food
and provide some shelter, some food and drinks and you know, just let them be at ease, you
know. Yeah, no, I, that's really great, you know, especially with these places, if they're already, you know, helping not only feeding the community, but actually helping out like that, doing those charitable acts as well. It's worth, it's worth the shout out. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. All right. Yeah. And you know, like Ashley says, she has, we have a list. So make sure you follow us online to check that out and let us know what you think of these places as well. Thank you guys so much again for listening. We really appreciate everything. We appreciate all the likes. Go online to follow us on Instagram it's unqualified culinary critics and on Twitter it's you and you see you l-c-r-i-t you can follow us on there and you know let's keep this conversation going let's talk more about like actual local restaurants that you guys like that are in like you know the areas that you if you didn't grow up here in Vegas but like frequent a lot let us know and if you did grow up in Vegas you know tell us which restaurants you went to that you went to growing up and even even if you're not around you know we still want to hear about them we still want to hear about every about what you guys have to think and yeah so follow us on there thank you guys so much for listening and we will be coming back with more episodes of course and we're obviously going to be doing these types of episodes more frequently especially because you know as we're going as we're doing this podcast we're going to be trying new places, trying new things. Hopefully we can finally get me from ordering the same thing at the same restaurant all the time. And yeah, thank you again like I'm going to keep thanking you guys for everything. Thank you guys once more for listening. Make sure you tune in for our next episode Make sure you tune in for our next episode and have a wonderful week.
Transcribed with Cockatoo