30. National Seafood Month
Hello and welcome to the Unqualified Culinary Critics. We are a Vegas-based podcast that celebrates food and culture. Join us as we talk about our food and cultural experiences and we do hope that these stories connect in some way to
each one of you as well. Today we are talking about seafood and you may be wondering why are we talking about seafood. It is because it's National Seafood Month. Alright, so I just want to get it started by saying that I personally love seafood. I honestly I think it's top tier seafood, top tier food. It's some of my favorite food and I really really am excited. I didn't even know that it had its own month like that is so cool in my opinion and I think it deserves it. It deserves a whole month, not just a day.
Yeah, what about you?
I would agree. Okay, all right, so you agree too? Yeah, it's just, it's so good. Yeah, it is, it is.
Yeah, so I actually wanted to ask you,
so just to kind of like get the ball rolling, when you think of seafood, what do you think? Like, is there a specific dish that comes to mind or like a specific cuisine, anything like that?
Okay, so when I'm thinking of the word seafood, I'm thinking animals from the ocean that are edible basically. So I can, you know, good examples obviously can be like a lobster bisque having lobster or I guess seafood parpadell, that kind of thing. So, you know, that's just like how I see it with like the crustaceans, the mollusk, et cetera.
Yeah, yeah, to see for me, when somebody mentions seafood, obviously like, you know, because of my background, I just think of like Mexican seafood. And I've talked about this dish before just because it's one of my favorite but like there's this dish called cargo de 7 mares and it's supposed to have like you know types of like seafood or types of fish from all the oceans from all the seas and so anytime somebody mentioned seafood I just automatically think of that of that food of that dish and um yeah I don't know I just I really love it. It has everything everything in it. That's good. Yeah Yeah, like that's that's why I wanted to like ask you that question because that's like the first thing I envision when I hear the word Mm-hmm. But yeah, like I remember growing up and like my mom making that dish all the time And you know like it has like catfish is has scallops. It has vegetables as well, you know like carrots. Um, my mom puts this Mexican squash It's called chayote. She'll put that in it, but I don't like chayote, but that's a whole nother whole nother thing Yeah, I don't know I just yeah so that's it has like vegetables like that it has like cilantro What other type of systems you have my mom puts octopus in it? She puts shrimp in it. I can't have shrimp. I'm allergic to shrimp, unfortunately. So like as much as I love seafood, I can't have a lot of different types of seafood just because of that allergy. But like, you know, she'll make some for me before she, she'll take some out before she adds the shrimp so I can have it still. And yeah, it's really, really good. Such a good like stew And yeah, yeah, it's one of my one of my favorite seafood dishes. What about you? What's your favorite seafood dish?
Well, I'm kind of a little more simplistic I guess but then again what I'm about to say might not really sound like that So I will admit I'm not like in terms of like if we're talking level of I love seafood, I think I'm probably more of I just like to eat fish, that kind of thing, so I'm not entirely too adventurous with seafood. Some of the animals freak me out already to the point where I'm not really going to eat seafood, but I mean fish, yeah I can handle that, it just depends on the type of fish, but I could go for like, um, see it depends on what restaurant I would go to, but like if it's a filet and it's like has like a lemony or a Savory sauce and then there's some veggies to it. Then yeah, I would go for that It just seems a little more healthier for me But I guess one example and I I will admit I am NOT referring to a local restaurant here But I went to Joe's recently and this was last year and they served this brand Zeno and it's just so good. Branzino is kind of like a European type of sea bass and they put like fennel and additional spices and veggies in there and then just like eat that all together and it's just a really good flavor. I remember we introduced it to my cousin recently and she liked it too so that's the kind of simple-ish dish that I would go for I would eat like salmon even though I'm honestly not a huge fan of salmon But just the health benefits of it would make me it's not really reconsider But I would have to comply it her way, especially if my mom's making the salmon But I'm very particular ish with how I want it cooked, but she has her style the restaurants have there So I just have to let it be salmon or sea bass, but yeah, it's just like those kinds of fishes you know even fish and chips I would I would go for for that but you know I used to I mean we can we can come back to that in a bit but I want to know like more of what you like and we'll
maybe come back to mine. Yeah so like honestly I like any type of seafood I'm not really too picky of an eater regardless of like what I'm eating, whether it's seafood or not. So like, and I'm very, I'm easy to please. So okay, yeah, yeah, I'll eat just about anything. And um, yeah, so with seafood, the only thing I can't eat, I mean, besides because I'm allergic to it is like fish when it's like cooked whole and it has like it still has like the head on it and you can see like the eye and stuff and I don't know I just I cannot eat that I hate that so much it makes me so uncomfortable because you know it kind of makes me face the fact that you know I'm eating an animal like I'm eating nothing yeah and I can't eat it like that like if someone chops the head off fine I'll eat it it's fine um but I don't I don't know like like with fish I like salmon I think it's really good. I like tuna a lot. I don't like spicy tuna though. Like, you know, when you go out for sushi and stuff and they always have the spicy tuna. I don't know, I don't like it. I don't know if it's the sauce or what. It probably is since I like other types of tuna. Tuna cooked other ways or made other ways. Yeah, but I love sushi. Sushi's one of my all-time favorite foods. Um yeah I mean like I said I'm not too picky so I'll eat just about anything except for spicy tuna and shrimp. Yeah no but like I grew up it's weird because like my family the the place my family is from is landlocked but like there is like a pretty big lake close to where my family's from and then there's like this big river that goes through most of Mexico that that is like right where my family's from but like the thing is you can't fish in that river anymore because it's so polluted like my point is that I I feel like it's a little weird because um I grew up eating a lot of seafood and eating seafood pretty often when my family is from like a mostly landlocked area but I'm just like that's just how big of an influence seafood has. That's just how good seafood is. That like even, you know, we're still enjoying it. But yeah, like my mom would make that one stew all the time. We would have like ceviche and stuff. But with ceviche, usually people make ceviche with shrimp. My mom never really made it with shrimp because my mom doesn't like, like she's scared to eat raw foods, which I mean, I don't blame her So like she'll never get sushi. Um, I love sushi. But yeah, so like we usually make it with fish Like, you know, um, she'll cook it. I forgot the type of fish she uses But yeah, she'll like cook it a little bit Well, she'll cook it and then like, you know, just make ceviche out of that. I really I love that I love ceviche. I love um when I was younger so I didn't become allergic to shrimp until I was 18 so I would eat shrimp all the time when I was younger and I would be fine um but then I hit 18 and randomly like I just got allergic to it and like that's like the only thing that I'm allergic to like I'm not allergic to shellfish or anything like that like it's just shrimp um I don't know what happened there like science, please explain but But that's just where my body's at and so We would my mom would always always make like shrimp cocktails like, you know, like the shrimp but what is it? Klamato, I don't know. I don't know about cooking as you guys all know So it has like shrimp avocado vegetables in it and stuff like that like it was so good and like that's like the one thing that I miss eating so much because it was just so so good but yeah I feel like that's that's it for me in terms of like like I don't look for anything super specific when it comes to seafood like all like I said I'll eat just about anything so I'm good with everything um oh I wanted to ask you something. Have you heard of, um, Mexican sushi?
No, I actually have not until you brought it up. No.
Yeah, so there's this restaurant that I haven't gone yet because, you know, like, I've just been like, it sounds intriguing to me as someone who loves sushi and is Mexican. But like I'm still like a little like it raises some alarms for me. But there's this restaurant near my house that is like a Mexican sushi restaurant that I really want to try because I feel like those two fusions like you know those in my opinion some of the best cuisines. So it sounds really interesting to me but I had a friend who's from Tijuana tell me that like Mexican sushi is actually really really good and like I've had sushi in Mexico but it wasn't like Mexican sushi per se because I guess this is like a whole nother thing where they like mix the two cuisines so like it'll have aspects from both Japanese cuisine and Mexican
cuisine. Yeah you know we can do that because like I mean I'm willing to try it it's just um you know I will have to look at the menu first though before I can
say for sure about the food because you know me. Yeah no I get you I'm right there with you. But yeah but I like this is such a random question but like I wonder if any of our followers have tried it before and what they think about it too or any of our listeners but yeah, cause like that was such a I don't know, I feel like it's a weird combination but it sounds like it'd be good Okay, yeah, yeah
It wouldn't, you know, it's a good idea you know, to mix the two together like you just said but you know, at the same time you gotta find a way on how to pull that off cause you know, there's like a lot of spices and there's a lot of veggies a lot of meats that are out there it's just picking the right one and juxtaposing those two together or more you know and just making a masterpiece that's the hard part yeah and I feel like they're
both such distinct palates like they're both so different from each other like taste-wise and everything that I'm like that's why I'm just like I really want to try that because who knew that was like even a thing. Yeah. I think we've gone through a lot of my tastes. Let's hear about yours. So I can just give a
little backstory about you know my taste as a kid. So you know as a kid I grew up eating a lot of fish, but back then I tried a lot of, not really a lot, but I've tried some seafood. So you know, I've tried shrimp. I think I tried a tempura when I was young, but for some reason what I was chewing and what I saw, let's just say that I already became an instant non-fan. It's the same thing with squid and calamari, but you know, I used to eat calamari when I was younger and then my mother told me what it is or what it was and I'm like, yeah, I'm not going to go there anymore. So she ruined that for me. But it's kind of a good thing because I am, you know, as I mentioned, when LIDOR came on, I tried to abstain from eating unclean foods. So you know, squids there and crustaceans and all that, they're there. But like examples of clean foods or clean dishes. Well, some of them are not seafood and I'm kind of going off topic with the episode, so I'm not going to really reveal a lot, but I know that cows are, you know, beef's healthy or beef is considered the cleanest food and stuff, but yeah. I didn't rob myself of the experience of eating seafood. It's just, it was my choice. I think it helped me, I guess, make better decisions with my Preferences, but at the same time I'm also Sheltering myself, which isn't great, you know, so that's another thing. So I kind of prefer to eat more of the fish But you know, I just it's not bad I mean I'm planning to like go to more restaurant restaurants here in the valley and just try more of their their fish dishes if The contents of what the restaurant is serving like in their menu looks good. Then I'll be like, yeah, I'll try it. You know, I wanna go to another restaurant that serves another kind of brand, you know, and I'm like, ooh, I wanna see how they present it and all that, and I'll probably post pictures about that in the future or so, but, you know, it's just a thought. But yeah, that's just something that happened with me in the past in regards to like eating crustaceans. I mean, I've tried lobster bisque in the past, and lobster bisque is good, you know, but I think the thing that got me was the lobster and the lobster bisque. And I'm like, well, I mean, at least I tried the broth, but I didn't really care too much about the meat. But it's like, how can you not care much about the meat? That's like the essence-ish.
Or that's like the main thing in the soup. Well, I mean, you can't blame me at the same time because I was actually quite young when it happened and I don't eat lobster bisque anymore, but you know, the stuff like that. At least I learned, and at least I tried, but at the same time, I was able to make the choice that I want to make at the end, if that makes any sense, you know, as to what I want to eat or what I prefer.
Yeah, well, is it like the taste specifically that like puts you off to certain seafood, or is it like the texture? Because I know a lot of times, like the texture of it bothers people. Like for example with like octopus or something like that. Like they just don't like the texture.
I mean like with mollusk it's rubbery. I'm not really into the chewiness of it. And it's kind of a little bit like that with shrimp, even though shrimp is not a mollusk. But I think maybe just a look. The presentation isn't bad unless I bite into it, but you know that's just um that's just me being weird and all but yeah I don't I don't I know that you are a big you're like huge on texture And all that i'm not i'm like i'm not really very specific as to Texture or taste but I think i'm more into taste but texture. I don't know I don't really pay attention to that that much is more of like if it looks good And I know what it is, then i'll try it, you know, i'm not going to um be that picky or that particular about it unless I did try and I go I like it I'll eat it again, or I don't like it. I will not do it again. Yeah
Yeah, cuz like I mean I've said this a million times and you just said it too like I'm a big texture person And I think like that's why I like seafood so much But yeah, and I mean you said you said that you don't like shrimp either honestly I feel like I'm not missing out too much on shrimp anymore no I don't think so I don't think so yeah like I'm pretty sure it was just like the shrimp cocktail that I used to really like when I was little and then
everything else was like yeah I mean another thing oh no go ahead no no no you can go I was just going to say like another reason why I eat more fish but not like too often but the reason I prefer fish to other seafoods is because one of my family members has a food allergy. She can't really eat shrimp as well. She can't really eat shellfish or mollusk so we have to be really careful about that as well. So I'm kind of like I'm cool with not eating those kinds of meals or those kinds of animals because you know like I said it's a food allergy so it's like fine with me as long as there's some stuff that we can all eat together that no one's allergic to
That I'm cool with you know, yeah. Yeah, that's true. Gotta be respectful of that Yeah, well are there like any Restaurants like seafood restaurants that you would recommend to somebody that you think like oh like I know you mentioned Um, like you getting like that brand, you know and everything so any places like that?
I'll admit I'm gonna keep going on more trips to see if I have the time and if it's you know worth it and affordable but the one place I recommend but it's not a local restaurant but it's in Caesar's Palace and when Brett came on she also mentioned it it's called Joe's Stone Crab crab. It is fine dining but you know just go for it you know if you want to just get the experience just to try fine dining then I recommend this place. It primarily focuses on seafood but there is some steak in there as well. Another restaurant that's in my head but sadly closed up was Joyful and that had some really good seafood dishes as well but then again I'm talking about like the fried flounder that's like I don't know how much but just fried or steamed or what if they cook it with the seasonings and the veggies and all that but that's pretty good too I I miss that place but I'll let you keep going like what else do you what do you recommend maybe some
will like surface in my mind yeah well like I said for me I am going to stick to some Mexican restaurants for now just because like I said when I think of seafood I automatically think of what I grew up eating and yeah I feel like you know that's just at the top of my head like even though like like I love eating seafood from other cultures like for example like I said I literally could eat sushi forever um yeah so La Playita is a restaurant. It's on Pecos and Cary. It's really, really good. They have like tostadas de pulpo, they have fish tacos, they have ceviche, you know, everything you would ever want. They have hostiones preparados, so that's like prepared oysters. They're really, really good. And it's a nice, like, you know, small family-owned restaurant it's really really cool so yeah and even if fish isn't your thing they have something for everybody they still have like the basic like Mexican food that you can get you know like carne asada tacos like all that sort of stuff burritos and they even have burgers and fries so yeah they're they're really good their food presentation is really good as well, like it's delicious. That's one of the places that I can think of right now. Yeah, and then they also have camarones a la diabla, which is another food. Oh, that's another like shrimp food that I would eat when I was little, but I didn't really like it that much because it's supposed to be like spicier. And yeah, and then like there's also that place that I had mentioned when we did like the local shout out and stuff so like I mean I've already talked about that one but yeah so if you want to go to like it's like Mariscos la Isla de Mexicaltitan. I'm like even I struggle a little to say it but that place is pretty good. La Mojara Loca I know that place is like really poppin it's really popular too they have really good good food there and it's one of those places where they'll have Mexican food and seafood and Mexican seafood so yeah those are just a few of the Mexican places I can think of right now. There's this place that I want to try though it's called Bahamar Seafood and Tacos and like it's um the area it is in it's not the best I used to work in that area so that's why I know I know about it um I used to work literally like right behind there and when I was working there it used to be a burrito place and now they changed it into a seafood place so I really want to try that place now because it looks pretty good and you know they have like tostadas and ceviche and like that sort of stuff fish tacos I've actually never had fish tacos before but oh those are good. Yeah, it sounds good, man
Yeah, those are just some of some of the Mexican seafood places I can recommend That's good Have you thought of any other places? I mean even the recommend recommendations that you gave are already pretty good. I
Did look in my list of places that I would give a shout out to. The first being is the Codfodder. So it's the Codfodder. And I've heard about this place through Yelp, but I was looking at the news about Yelp's top 50 list of wonderful like restaurants here in the valley. The Codfodder is one of them. I don't know what number they're in, but they're in the list. And I went there recently just to give it a try. And I would say it's good, you know, it's just simple fish and chips. But the good thing is, you can get it in any kind of fish that they serve. And I'm looking at their menu right now. When I went, I ordered cod and haddock because the loved one that I went to, I went with, they kind of have an issue with cod. So I ordered the haddock for them. And you can get like the fish and chips and a soda. And the fish is like almost as big as my laptop that I'm using right now. I'm maybe half to over half, it depends on the fish though. But they even got like a vegan selection as well so the fish and then the chips, the chips would be under the fish and the soda and all that would be like I'd say like almost $15 or more depending on what fish you order. And I think it's pretty cool. I give a shout out to them. I'm sure they would appreciate it if they're listening to this episode. My second place would be Milano Restaurant which is in Town Square. I tried a couple of dishes there. I know I tried Branzino and I don't remember the other one. It might have been Salmon but I could be wrong. But I liked their Branzino as well. I don't remember exactly what was in it but for some reason when I tried it I don't know I guess maybe could be the fennel but it just in my mind is like oh it tastes like Cheetos but the food's still good though I'm not trying to like say oh it was bad it tasted like chips no no it tasted good but it did taste like chips to me but that's just my psychological mind talking but the food was good there I would say that I would probably go back and then the last place that I would give a shout out to is Kazuki Sushi. And before I go into Kazuki, I want to be really sure, I just want to say that the Cod Flutter is off of North Green Valley Parkway and Sunset. So that's where it is. And then obviously Milano is in Town Square, like I said, that's Las Vegas Boulevard and Sunset. And then Kazuki Sushi is Somerset and Southern Highlands Parkway. And yes, there's sushi there, the food's good. I don't think I've ever really tried their sushi with the actual seafood in there, but I would still give that place a try-iter away. Because I mean, if you were to go with me, Victoria, to that place, and you would order the seafood there, or like the sushi, what's in the menu,
maybe you might like it, but I recommend that place still. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. I mean those all sound like great recommendations to me. Nice. Yeah. I mean, do you have any final thoughts, anything else to say?
I would say, you know, celebrate seafood month with joy and happiness because this is the month for anybody that likes seafood or wants to try it and all that like you know it's just what you what you want to do yes and and all that but yeah I mean I would say to eat it responsibly cuz you know mercury and stuff and all that kind of thing but yeah yeah that's just I know I might sound like a downer but I'm just you know I care about people I just want to be really sure and just put it out there but other than that that's That's it with me.
Yeah. And I agree with all of that. And also, I just want to say, be a little more open-minded. Try something that you usually wouldn't try in terms of seafood and everything. Maybe give some things another chance. You never know if you'll end up liking them after all. But yeah, this is an exciting month. And it is, in my opinion, October's already the perfect month. And finding out that it's seafood month just makes it even better. But, yeah, that's all I have to say. I think, you know, that's all we have to say on here. And we want to hear what you have to say too. So make sure to let us know your thoughts, your feelings, everything you want to say about seafood. Whether you like it, whether you dislike it, we want to know it all. Make sure to hit us up on Instagram at unqualified culinary critics and on Twitter at UNQCULTRIT. Yeah, just tell us all your thoughts on there about everything. Let us know if we missed any other cool seafood restaurants, anything like that, like any cool dishes that you think that, any cool seafood dishes that you think that we need to try, your favorite seafood dish from your culture as well, I would love to know that. And yeah, thank you guys so much for culture as well, I would love to know that. And yeah, thank you guys so much for listening, for tuning in. We really appreciate it. Have a beautiful day.
Transcribed with Cockatoo