33. What We're Grateful For
Hello and welcome to the Unqualified Culinary Critics. We are a Vegas-based podcast that celebrates food and culture. Join us as we talk about our food and cultural experiences and we do hope that these stories connect in some way to
each one of you as well. Yeah, so for today's episode we're going to be getting in the holiday spirit and we are going to talk about the things we're grateful for. You know, this episode is coming out in November. So I think it's important to always, you know, talk about the things that we're grateful for to really show that we're thankful and that we appreciate those things. And yeah, do you want me to get started, Ashley, or do you want to start? I'll let you go first. All right so um this may be a little cheesy but the number one thing I'm gonna say that I'm grateful for and thankful for is this podcast just because you know it's been a lot of fun doing this it's been what a almost a year now basically a year now um and yeah it's been really nice you know just talking about all these foods and having like this space, you know, especially as someone like me who just does not know how to cook and like, unfortunately, you know, when we first started, I talked about how my sense of smell and taste got really messed up because of COVID and stuff. So like, you know, luckily, I've like slowly been getting it back. I've slowly been going kind of back to normal in those in those areas. But yeah, and it's just been really cool. And like I've said, in another episode where I said like, I'm just really inspired to try all these new foods because of you, Ashley, because of the way that you talk about them. And it's just something that I'm really thankful for because it's been a lot of fun. It's been a great opportunity. It's been really good, you know, like getting to know you and getting to know all the types of foods that you enjoy. Because like I have said many times throughout this podcast, I unfortunately tend to stick to the things I'm familiar with. And this podcast has kind of opened my, my mind a little more, broadened my horizons more. And it's been really cool being able to, you know, like, you know, I feel like this has kind of been like an experience where like I don't want to say it's the exact equivalent to this but like you know how like if you're a musician and you go and watch other musicians like you're kind of like you know you're enjoying it obviously but you're thinking about it more on a technical level and I feel like this podcast has kind of also gotten me to start thinking about the food that I go or that I eat out when I go to restaurants and stuff in more of a in a different way that then I had before it because now I'm not only just thinking about like oh this tastes good I'm thinking about like oh I wonder like what the ingredients are what they put into this like how exactly they make it you know I'm thinking about food on like a more detailed level I guess I don't know um but yeah but you know like I'm actually thinking about it rather than just consuming it. Like I was in the past. Like I said, that's one, I feel like I went through many reasons why I'm thankful for this podcast. And you know, it's not only just that, like it hasn't even just been like for my benefit. Like, you know, when we teamed up with ThreeSquared too, we were able to raise money to help feed people in the valley. And I think that's like another good thing that has come out of this podcast. And another reason why I'm thankful for it is because we've been able to get involved with the community, you know? And like, I've started to think about food in a more like detailed way, or in a more like, I don't wanna necessarily say critical way because as someone who can't cook, I don't think it's fair for me to be criticizing people like that necessarily, even though, you know, that's kind of what we do on this podcast. But everything should be taken with a grain of salt. But like, I think it's also made me look more into the restaurants I go to and be like, Oh, are they local? Are they like, you know, regional, like national, like what's like, you know, kind of made me think more about the places I visit.
That's really good. Like, I, I'm really happy that you're that you said all these things. I'm grateful that you agreed to come on because we want to keep things going. We really like to talk about food and we talk about our upbringings a lot, which is something just to give everybody an idea of who we are as hosts or co-hosts. So I'm just really glad that you're able to come on in and keep talking about food and continue to spread the joy that we're trying to put out there. So we really, on behalf of Sierra and myself, we really do thank you for coming on and being a co-host, just keeping things going. And you're doing that with a smile, and I'm really sure that you're, we're just really happy that you're having a good time. So thank you so much for being a co-host with us.
Yeah, of course. And like I said, it's been a really great experience. Like I'm grateful for it and everything um yeah it's just been it's been fun like we get to talk about yeah and I mean I love the name of it especially because like like I said like I'm not one to be criticizing food since I don't know how to cook but like it's still I feel like that's what makes it so much fun you know because sometimes I'll just be saying things and it's like, you know, I'll get answers about it because it's like, oh, I don't really know a lot about this, but I'm talking about it. And so like people will reply or like, like you'll like be like, oh, well, this, this and that, like, this is how they do it. Or like, this is what that tastes like. And you know, it's been a really good learning experience in like all senses of that word. Yeah, it's just been really cool, a lot of fun. And like I said, we've even gotten to actually help out the community with that three square campaign that we did. And then also with just interviewing Will and having him on here and promoting Restaurant Week, which also helps that. So a lot of good has come out of this podcast, not just for us.
I'm really glad, because you know, I... we haven't like talked about our origins of the show yet, and I will save most of it for when we actually do the episode with Sierra, when she's available again. I know for a fact that, and I'll be kind of quick with this, like, you know, we're all aware that there's just so much going on in our society, and I was thinking, let's just do something fun. So of course, everybody chimed in on the idea of doing a food podcast and with everybody involved, we were initially called another club name or a group name. I'm not going to say it because it might be copyrighted from that club or that group. So to be called Unqualified Culinary Critics is something that I find to be like very, it really fits what we do for sure cuz like like you said earlier you're talking about how like we're not we don't really have the entire right to criticize because we don't know we don't really like I don't really cook that much either but I cook a little bit but I mean I can criticize my own cooking but for me to criticize somebody else's cooking I'm not I don't want to be like that I don't want to say other food was really dry because maybe they're just not having their day but I am guilty of saying like, oh, the food is bland or whatever, you know, that's just like me reviewing the food, but I'm not trying to entirely critique the chefs or whatever. It's just maybe they just weren't having their day, but I'm not going to like say, oh, this is the worst place in the world. No, no, I try to be reasonable with that. But I mean, I guess if we're going to continue talking about like being grateful and all that, you know, I'm really grateful that we're able to give back to the community. Because, like, I have a background in community service, so this is something that I really wanted to, I really want to help the show get involved with just feeding the community. So Three Square was something that everybody was just totally for. And to just feed everybody with the money that we were raising, like, it's just something that, it's sad that a lot of people are struggling to find their next meal. And it's a surprise that Three Squares, the only food bank here in Vegas that will, that caters to Clark County, Esmeralda, Nye, Lincoln County, as well. So, like, pretty much Sir Nevada, that they would, um... I don't want to say that I'm shocked, but the numbers are really sad to read. So, it's really important that, you know, we did help out. And I really do like the idea that we were able to do that with this platform, because we're just trying to spread joy. I hope I can say this for everybody here, but I would say that the purpose of this show really is to just, we want to be here for those who are having a hard day, and we hope that when people listen to this show, it serves as a form of escapism, so to speak, from all the hardships that's going on within our personal lives or what's going on in the news and whatever. I'm not going to get into the controversial stuff at all because that's not what the show's about. So we really do our best to avoid doing that kind of stuff. We feel for everybody here with the show that food is a universal language, it's supposed to bring us together with everything that, from our cultures to knowing the spices, the meats that we use to make all these wonderful masterpieces and trying them. Like it's just something that we believe that just talking about food is something that can be just as powerful as talking about like a really like a hot button topic kind of thing. But we just want to spread good overall. That's just something I'm really grateful to KUNV here at 91.5 for letting us share our platform with them, to have a lot of people listen to us. And it's just, it's very helpful. We really appreciate them for their efforts in making this happen. So it's just something that we really appreciate. So thank you KUNV and thank you listeners who have been with us from the beginning.
So thank you. Yeah, and I agree too, you know, like that's another thing that I'm really grateful for is the fact that we're able to do this and that we have, you know, like we have people backing us, like those at KU&G and then like our listeners of course, like that's, I feel like that's what I'm mostly grateful because, you know, if we didn't have anybody listening then we wouldn't be doing this. But yeah, it's good to know that there's people who like listening to us ramble about food. Even when we, or me, does not know what they're talking about half the time.
No, you're good. You're good. It's like when I'm hearing you talk, you sound like you really do know what you're saying. I'm just listening. I don't know. So at least you know I don't. Well, I like to listen more and speak less, actually. Yeah.
And I mean, I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to like technical cuisines and like food and like that sort of stuff. But I feel like with this podcast, you know, just because of our name, we can focus more on like how food makes us feel, the types of joy that it brings to us, and all that sort of stuff. We don't have to be like, oh yes, we, to make this food, you have to let it marinate in oyster sauce, or like, you know, like all that stuff. Like, I don't know anything about that. Like, those words I just said, I'm like, I've just heard them thrown around. I don't know what that means, because I don't, yeah. Oh, you're good. But yeah, like, you know, it's it's nice knowing that we're able to do this because people are caring, you know, like they're listening. And it's pretty cool. Not just that, but you know, like, I get to be like, like at work, you're like, Oh, yeah, I have a podcast. You know, like, not to be one of those people, but I get to mention that or like to my friends and stuff and just be like, hey, like, you know, listen to this, like this is something that we put a lot of effort in, a lot of care into, and it's cool that people feel the same way, you know, that they like to listen to it and care enough to follow us on like Instagram and stuff too. No, that's not forget Twitter, yeah. Oh yeah, and Twitter like, you know being popular isn't everything, um, you know having followers isn't everything But the ones that we do have we are grateful for you know
Yeah, I agree. And even if you don't like follow us on our socials We totally understand that like I totally get it Like if you listen to us on Spotify or Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast in podcasting, that's enough for us to hear or to know that you are with us. So we really appreciate that. So thank you, everyone.
Yes, thank you so much. Um, yeah, like, I don't know, just like, like the things I've been saying, it's been, it's cool that, that, you know, people are following us, whether it's online or like through the actual, like listening to the podcast and everything. And I appreciate and am grateful for all of those people who are listening, following us. You know, it just gives us more reason to keep going.
Yeah, for sure.
Like, I would say I think a lot of us here, we're just not really here for that attention entirely. Like you said, that popularity isn't what we're really aiming for. It's more of like, you know This can be a personal project for each of us because we're able to disclose more of what who we are So it's just like yeah being famous can be great too But you know, there's just so many podcasts out there that we don't want to really compete with it's more of like, you know We're just here where wherever local Las Vegas and I'm not saying a local Las Vegas isn't popular no no we are the pretty much people are saying this to entertainment capital of the world so Vegas is pretty popular our podcast like we we just we don't really mind popularity we just want to help the world we don't care if for the fame and all that stuff we just like I said we just want to spread good and make people like going through a hard day just listen to our show and hopefully it'll give you a peace of mind and just kind of make you forget about what you're mad about like that kind of thing
Mm-hmm. Yeah
Yeah, I agree
Like I feel this is another thing that I'm grateful for as well because this is like a cool outlet for us, you know, and especially because You know like in school we both were in audio production and stuff like that. And this is just another way for us to continue practicing that and continue on that path and be able to do things that we love. This is a cool... It's not just an outlet for us to talk about food. It's not just a safe place for us to talk about that sort of stuff, but it's also an artistic outlet because here, you know, not only, like I said, not only do we get to continue the things that we were learning and working on in college with like audio production, but we also have like the graphics that we do. That's another way for us to do like artistic outlets. And then we also have, you know, like for some of these, like for some of these episodes, we, I mean, I personally do some research, like I'll research the restaurants and stuff, and like, you know, it's another way for us to be able to connect with our community. And like, I mean, I know we already mentioned that, but yeah, and it's just like, like we get to like, I mentioned that again, because we get to do this research on like local restaurants and stuff, and then go out and visit them, you know, like, like, even if it's a quick little Google search, local restaurants in Vegas, whatever, it's still something that we are practicing and we are continuing to do from our college experience. It's, I don't know, and it's fun because we get to interview people as well. We get, even if they're our friends or like, you know, colleagues, whatever, it's nice. Like, this is a cool outlet for us to continue the work that we were doing in college, I think. Even if we didn't continue that stuff necessarily like in our actual jobs, like this is a cool place for us to be able to do
that and like I'm grateful for that. Yeah, I agree because like you said, I also have a background in audio production and I mean I've produced like various stuff in the past but this is by far the one that keeps me going in regards to just helping out with the audio, if it's editing or you know even helping out with the graphics and stuff. It's this is something that like audio production is something that I really enjoy doing because I've been going through so many phases of what do I want to do when I finish college or what am I going to do before I go to college that kind of thing and I feel that with this podcast This is a good way for everybody to practice and hone in what they learned in college I guess I'm just pretty much paraphrasing what you say or what you said Victoria Yeah that you know audio production is just something that I really love It's just one of the greatest things that I am I learned in college. I'm really glad that I studied it as well I may not speak that much that just helping out with co-producing the show is something that gives us more experience and more it gives us the ability to collaborate more as to how the direction of the show should go in if that makes any sense you know. No yeah it does make sense especially like you know obviously as
listeners they don't know exactly what goes on behind the scenes but I feel like you know you're You're usually the one who puts the most effort into all of this. And it's pretty cool, you know, like I said, for us to have this outlet to just put like all the skills that we learned and everything. And then it's a passion project. So it's something that, you know, we both really enjoy doing. And we are working around our both very busy and chaotic work schedules to do just because we care about it so much. And we are so invested in this and you know we care about enough that we will continue doing regardless and it's nice that we do have people that do care and do listen and do you know like like we do have people supporting us like you said earlier like the people at KUNV and everything and you know I know that like my friends listen because they'll ask me about it and they'll be like, they'll mention it and I get to talk about them about it with them as well.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And you know, I, I'm just like, I believe that everybody gets equal credit for what they have contributed. So like, like I mentioned in the in a statement in the past, Chloe gave us our, she gave us our name, and we're really grateful for what she's contributed with them helping out with what episodes we should do and You know just keeping it going. She's really passionate about food as well. I mean, we're really sorry that she couldn't continue with us We really do wish her the best but she left a good impact on us and same with Ian as well because you know He helped us out with them Yeah He had the idea in the beginning to get K UNV involved with having the show go out through their podcast network. So it's just something that they've been involved with that. Ian, I really thank him. We really thank him, not just me, we really thank him for his contributions for keeping everything, like keeping the show going in regards to, you know, just keeping the conversation going in general. Just starting it off and, you know, I like hearing everybody's food story, Sierra, when she's talking about her background as well, doing the graphics and just, you know, talking about the show with everybody else as well. Like everybody's contributions to the show, you know, like you and I, I believe that everybody deserves due credit. Like with you talking and talking about what you know about food, just, like just, you know, talking in general and, you know, helping out with the graphics and just giving your input. Like everybody deserves to have a say in what they do. And I'm really grateful that everybody's been involved. Whether they are no longer with the show or are currently with the show, I'm really grateful to work with such mature, professional folks who know what they're doing and definitely deserve to get their voices heard. So I'm really glad that I've encountered people here that are not as temperamental, like when I'm working films and stuff, or not as like egotistical that kind of thing No, I I'm just really glad that we're we're really a safe space and I'm I can say this for everybody too but I I I'm really grateful for the guests that have came on Because they help keep the show going as well with just talking about their food experiences Like I give shoutouts to all of the guests like Lador, Jose Daniel, Will from 3Square, Jennifer and RT, Super, I'm sorry if I'm forgetting names right now. Just know that we are thanking every single one of you in the show that has came on. Because we really love to hear everybody's experiences with food and just talking about their culture. And you know, just coming on in general. It really means a lot to us and I can definitely say for sure that we do have some future projects in the making so you'll hear about that when they come out.
Basically. Yes, and I definitely agree with everything that you just said because not only do they you know continue the conversation that we are having but our guests you know make the show more interesting. I feel like they make it more fun and yeah it's been really nice, you know, getting to know everybody and getting to have all these different guests and just hearing all this. Like, you know, I'm sure people get tired of just hearing me talk because I talk a lot. I know I talk a lot. I try to stop myself sometimes, but I can't. Yeah, but I know like, you know, it must be nice getting to hear our guests because, you know, they bring in new perspectives, they bring in different perspectives as well. They get to talk about their heritage, which is different from ours many of the times. And even if it's the same, like a lot of times, you know, even if you're from the same culture, you still experience things differently. You still have like different types of food. Like, for example, with my parents, they're from the same region. Literally their towns are 40 minutes away from each other. And yet the way that my grandma's cook is completely different from each other. The way that my mom cooks is completely different than the way that my Tia's on my dad's side cook, you know? My paternal Tia's cook. Like it's so interesting because like I said, everybody just brings in their new, different perspective, and it's really great to be able to have guests and to have them here to learn about different cultures and different foods and different, just everything, you know, to be able to be more open minded.
the guests that we've had so far. From my understanding in my mind I left out two people so I won't say this in exact order but I just on behalf of the show we just want to thank Daniel, Will, Jose, Jason from KUNB, let's see Lador, Brett who who helped come on and talk about her film Right in Bloom, let's see Super, Jennifer and RT. Yes I believe it's all the guests that we have so far that came on But like I said, we just really think we just think everybody and I agree with you when you mentioned about like with family and all That and I do want to just kind of steer towards a little bit of my personal life when I say that I want to think My family so much for being behind me Especially my mom because like she knows that I work really hard with everybody on the show and we just with family support that's very important. I thank my faith to its entirety for helping get this show out and making things work out in the best way that it can possibly and you know just friends who agree to listen to the show and just you know they'll listen to it or don't they'll hear it and maybe spread the word about it so just I would say thank you so much to everybody who's been very supportive of you know getting the show out and even telling everybody about it. There's no leader so just I just want to like get this out of my system because I'm just really grateful for where we're at and it's just a really good time to really say thanks and you know I think that the biggest thing overall that I'm grateful for in purpose of talking about food is the food and the culture because we need food, we need water, we need drinks to nourish us, to help us grow as individuals and I think that being able to do that is or being able to get access to food is so important because if we don't have food it's not good. So being able to learn about food, eat it, learn about other cultures and let it sink in with us. It's just something that is so, I'd say it's imperative. We really, that's one of the reasons why it's just so good to do a podcast like this. So I mean, again, I just want to thank my faith. I want to thank my family. I want to thank everybody who's been involved with the show just to keep things going. And just, yeah, I mean, everybody that's done such a good job. Everybody's done so well. It is kind of hard with our schedules to keep things, nothing's really consistent, I can say that, but being able to put time aside and just speak and talk and for like 30 minutes, 30 plus minutes, it's just a great thing overall.
Yeah, I agree with you. Like I'm very thankful for food too, because like you said, it's what nourishes us, what helps us grow. It's very important. It's, you know, the main topic of this podcast. It's the center of unqualified culinary critics. And yeah, I'm grateful to be able to go out and discover all these new restaurants, these local restaurants, to be able to talk about them and, you know, hopefully have other people try them as well. It's just been a really, really great experience doing all this. And yeah, I'm also really grateful for my family and friends for listening and liking our posts. Yeah, you know, for them just listening and like even sometimes they'll try and give me some ideas and be like, oh you should talk about this or what about this place that we went to. You should say like talk about this other topic like you know it's it's nice having supportive family and supportive friends. I'm very very thankful for that as well. Yeah same same here.
I totally agree because like if it was the other way around I don't know I think I'd be that stubborn still and just keep going with it because like pretty much kind of just picking up from what we just said earlier in the episode that what we learn from school we're applying it to this show so with the abilities that we that we gain from school and this podcast the hope really is that it'll get us somewhere within our fields for like a professional job you know because like you know maybe somebody might need a freelance audio producer to do, to like edit their podcast or to produce a voiceover, or they need somebody in social media or in PR, public relations, that kind of thing. And I believe that the show is a good way for everybody to get involved and just improve and you know, train for a job that pertains into the field that they want to pursue that kind of thing.
Yes, I agree, yet again. But yeah, it's just been a way for us to really continue the skills and everything and be able to put those skills, apply them in other things, not just in this. Like you said, to be able to do like voiceovers and those types of jobs as well. Do you have any final thoughts that you want to let the listeners know?
Well, I just, like I said, I do thank everybody for listening to us, for being with us, for supporting us. I think I haven't emphasized this really enough, but I really do thank my faith. I do thank God for just letting this show keep going in a positive direction. I don't really like to talk about religion too much, but I think to say universally that I believe that God is very responsible, very much responsible for letting this be meant to be for the show and just hopefully uniting people of multiple backgrounds, ethnicities, races, religions, etc. It's just something that I'm really glad that God is able to do and I'm really grateful for that. So I thank God so much for helping this show reach a success and just letting things go by and just letting the good times happen. So I would just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I hope that you take the time to think back on what you're grateful for and never never stop being grateful. That's all I have to say. So yes, but yeah I think it's really
important to always talk about what you're grateful for not just during these times. Just because I think it's important to put out that good energy out there and hopefully the universe receives it well. But yeah, I just want to finish off by saying I'm really thankful for the listeners, for this podcast, for my friends and family, for being so supportive, for KUNV for helping us out with this podcast as well. Thank you so much to everybody. Thank you so much to Ashley and all our other co-hosts that had worked on this podcast as well. I know how hard, how much effort everybody has put into this, and I really do appreciate that you guys invited me to be part of it as well. It's been a lot of fun, a lot of good times. I've learned a lot too, so I'm really grateful for that as well. Please let us know what you guys are thankful for as well. We would love to hear it, whether you're thankful for food, for your family, for anything. Anything that you want to talk about, just let us know at unqualified culinary critics on Instagram and on Twitter, you can find us at U-N-Q-C-U-L-C-R-I-T. And yeah, just reach out to us and let us know we want to continue this conversation. Like I said, we want to continue to put this good energy out there and talk about all of this. And yeah, hopefully you guys have a great Thanksgiving. Happy holidays to everybody and you guys are able to celebrate with everybody that you guys love and you guys get everything that you hope for. Thank you once again so love and you guys get everything that you hope for. Thank you once again so much for listening to us. It really does mean a lot. Have a wonderful day.
Transcribed with Cockatoo